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Ultra loud motorbike commuting across Hillsborough at 5.45 in the morning.

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Loud pipes save lives!


Rubbish. Most car drivers I see have their windows closed and the stereo on so it`d make no difference. And even if loud exhausts do reduce accidents (which they don`t) it`s not a price worth paying because it`s negatively affecting others, and when I last checked that was the definition of selfish. Quite apart from anything else the biggest effect on the danger of motor bikes, and I`ve had a few, is riding them more slowly and carefully, which in the case of this ignorant, he doesn`t do.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I think speeding will kill him first!


Here`s hoping.

Only joking.

An accident that writes off his bike and hopefully teaches him a lesson would be more appropriate. I don`t know what it is about bikers who take so many risks, they must have no imagination.

It`s not the getting killed that should worry them.

It`s playing wheelchair basketball for the rest of their lives.......

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Oh my god he they wake me every morning about 6 I live in Oughtibridge, I was only telling the neighbours about this last night. The only upside is that once he wakes me I look at my watch and realise I still have over an hour of sleep left


Ahh more evidence for the ignorant`s commute.....


Personally if I get woken up in the early hours I find it very difficult to get back to sleep, and if I do manage it I`m then in a deep sleep when my alarm goes off so, I feel even more tired than if I`d just have got up !

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Loud noise like this is inconvenient, but it doesn't last - so I can cope with that. Anything that hangs around becomes more of an annoyance for me.


I can cope with loud noise that`s temporary (so long as it`s not at night time) without getting too upset, if it`s unavoidable.

But this noise is avoidable, the guy actually wants to make more noise just for the sake of it, and as such it (what word can I use here to apply emphasis ! ) winds me up.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I have every sympathy for people who have their lives affected by other peoples actions but im afraid the ops posts on here have now gone a step too far in my opinion.


Im from a biking family and have an aftermarket exhaust but certainly dont consider myself selfish or other bikers who wish to improve the look and sound of their bikes although Im not under any elusion that some exhausts are a cause for concern.


Why havent you if you are so enraged by this bike reported it to the police or other authoritys instead of coming on here ranting but seemingly doing nothing about it.


The comments "anyone got any nails to leave on the road " and "here's hoping" that speeding will kill them first and here's hoping he will have an accident is well out of order. I agree that everyone is entitled to as much peace as the city will allow but im sorry you have gone way too far in your comments and im very suprised the moderators on here have allowed this thread to stay open after comments like this even with your "only joking" remarks after it.

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The particular exhaust in question is way louder than any other anti-social after-market "I must have 3 extra horsepower and to hell with the validity of my insurance and noise regulations" exhaust I've ever heard. The rider must quite literally be deaf. And the speed at which he/she screams along the roads just makes it worse (and shows them up to be irresponsible, antisocial and selfish).

Edited by HotPhil
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Has anyone else had the misfortune to be woken up by a very loud motorbike commuting across Hillsborough in the early mornimg ?

He passes the Hillsborough football ground area at about 5.45AM and freqently wakes me up.

Not only is his wretched exhaust far far too loud but he rides it like he`s at the TT thrashing it like you`ve never known. I wonder how many hundreds, or even thosands, of people curse him every morning.......


Obviously the guy is a totally ignorant <removed>, but why is there no law to protect us from these imbeciles ? I checked with the garage that does my MOT and they said that other than for a blowing exhaust there`s no requirement in the MOT for a vehicle to be adequately silenced.

That sounds (pun intended) like a law that`s crying out to be passed.


There is a certain loudness an exhaust can be for an mot as our's failed on the exhaust been too loud twice. But if this happens i think most people put a standard one on for mot and then put their louder one back on..

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I have every sympathy for people who have their lives affected by other peoples actions but im afraid the ops posts on here have now gone a step too far in my opinion.


Im from a biking family and have an aftermarket exhaust but certainly dont consider myself selfish or other bikers who wish to improve the look and sound of their bikes although Im not under any elusion that some exhausts are a cause for concern.


Why havent you if you are so enraged by this bike reported it to the police or other authoritys instead of coming on here ranting but seemingly doing nothing about it.


The comments "anyone got any nails to leave on the road " and "here's hoping" that speeding will kill them first and here's hoping he will have an accident is well out of order. I agree that everyone is entitled to as much peace as the city will allow but im sorry you have gone way too far in your comments and im very suprised the moderators on here have allowed this thread to stay open after comments like this even with your "only joking" remarks after it.


You have no sense of humour then......

That said, when I`m woken up by some ignorant and still half asleep, nasty thoughts, which I wouldn`t normally have, do cross my mind.


If you`re a biker you`ll know that the fact of the matter is the biggest effect on a biker`s safety is riding slower and more carefully. If they haven`t got the self control to do that then there is a good chance they`ll end up playing wheelchair basketball, or dead. Personally speaking when I had bikes, and was single, it was the thought of being crippled for life that made me sell my bike, not the worry of getting killed, but each to his own.

No biker, or motorist, has any excuse to inflict unnecessary

noise on other people. If they want more power they should buy a bigger bike or car, not that they`d get that much more power out of loud exhaust anyway.

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Not buy a whole new vehicle, no, but isn't there some modification they could use to make it a bit quieter? It's very unpleasant, especially at silly hours.
Can see EXACTLY what you're saying, but if I've spent X amount of K on a bike or car, that can do cracking speeds etc... one of the sensations is in the sound. I'm talking about performance bikes/cars here. If it's some pat who's put a huuuge exhaust on his bike just so it's loud...well there's no point is there. If they insist on having these massive exhausts, ten when they're driving to work or...whatever in the morning, they at least should have the courtesy to not drive them... enthusiastically shall we say? 'cos at low revs, they're still loud, but a lot quieter, and you wont be able to hear them.
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Modern larger motorcycles usually come with extremely quiet and heavy exhaust systems as standard. Unfortunately from an experienced rider's point of view it feels very dangerous like that because you are always surprising cyclists, pedestrians and car drivers as they don't hear you. The whole point of defensive riding strategy is that you make yourself visible and possibly heard by other road users for the sake of everyone's safety.


So there is a market for aftermarket exhaust systems but they are perfectly legal, with BS stamps. What often happens though is you can often unscrew the rear baffle to make the exhaust can extremely loud, apparently for racing. When you hear a stupidly loud bike the owner has probably taken out or lost the baffle or has put on an illegal "racing" can.

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