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Ultra loud motorbike commuting across Hillsborough at 5.45 in the morning.

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Has anyone else had the misfortune to be woken up by a very loud motorbike commuting across Hillsborough in the early mornimg ?

He passes the Hillsborough football ground area at about 5.45AM and freqently wakes me up.

Not only is his wretched exhaust far far too loud but he rides it like he`s at the TT thrashing it like you`ve never known. I wonder how many hundreds, or even thosands, of people curse him every morning.......


Obviously the guy is a totally ignorant <removed>, but why is there no law to protect us from these imbeciles ? I checked with the garage that does my MOT and they said that other than for a blowing exhaust there`s no requirement in the MOT for a vehicle to be adequately silenced.

That sounds (pun intended) like a law that`s crying out to be passed.


Not Hillsbrough , but I HAD one that woke me up at 620 every morning-- for about a year, I was fortunate enough to find where he lived (after reviewing cctv to see if I could recognize him) -- I approached him -- he apologized and as yet hasn't thrashed it past my house, I do hear it still but its not a total shock to the system

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As a general rule, bikers are no more ignorant or annoying than car drivers, its just that people notice them more.


As for filtering between traffic? don't make me laugh, you're all just jealous! if you didn't have to sit in traffic then you wouldn't either. as long as its done at a safe speed its not dangerous or illegal. Enjoy your traffic jams :)


I never said that bikers were any more ignorant than car drivers, generally speaking. That said there are undoubtedly more bikes fitted with loud after market exhaust pipes than cars.


As for filtering through traffic, it is obviously far safer to do this if the traffic is stationary. In fact, when I had bikes, I read in the Police adavanced riding manual that you shouldn`t make a third lane of traffic when overtaking, which effectively is what you are doing when filtering through moving traffic.

I may be mistaken, I haven`t got a copy to hand, but I thought the Highway Code also said you weren`t supposd to filter through moving traffic.

Edited by Justin Smith
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I never said that bikers were any more ignorant than car drivers, generally speaking. That said there are undoubtedly more bikes fitted with loud after market exhaust pipes than cars.


As for filtering through traffic, it is obviously far safer to do this if the traffic is stationary. In fact, when I had bikes, I read in the Police adavanced riding manual that you shouldn`t make a third lane of traffic when overtaking, which effectively is what you are doing when filtering through moving traffic.

I may be mistaken, I haven`t got a copy to hand, but I thought the Highway Code also said you weren`t supposd to filter through moving traffic.


Are you talking about 'being the meat in the sandwich'? (Overtaking a line of traffic between that traffic and oncoming traffic).


That's dangerous.


I'm pleased to read that you have a copy of the Police advanced riding manual...Or do you?


If you look closely at your copy of 'Roadcraft' (the manual you 'quoted') you will note that it says: "The advantages of filtering along or between stopped or slow moving traffic have to be weighed against the disadvantages of increased vulnerability while filtering".


It doesn't say -as you suggest - "You shouldn't make a third lane".


If you are going to quote a Police manual (or any other acknowledged expert source) please don't make it up.


I'm surprise to read you do not have a copy of the Highway Code.


You can get one here.

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Theres a quad bike on our street that goes up snd down all damned day long....I saw it today parked up...it has number plates. Presumably, it's legal. Must be cheap to run. Look forward to everyone getting rid of their cars and running these! Lovely. Wheres the earplugs?

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Are you talking about 'being the meat in the sandwich'? (Overtaking a line of traffic between that traffic and oncoming traffic).


That's dangerous.


I'm pleased to read that you have a copy of the Police advanced riding manual...Or do you?


If you look closely at your copy of 'Roadcraft' (the manual you 'quoted') you will note that it says: "The advantages of filtering along or between stopped or slow moving traffic have to be weighed against the disadvantages of increased vulnerability while filtering".


It doesn't say -as you suggest - "You shouldn't make a third lane".


If you are going to quote a Police manual (or any other acknowledged expert source) please don't make it up.


I'm surprise to read you do not have a copy of the Highway Code.


You can get one here.


Unsurprisingly, since I sold the last of my bikes years ago, I cannot find my copy of the Police Advanced Riding Manual. I felt sure it said you should "not make a third lane of traffic", but your quote of 'the meat in the sandwich' surely amounts to the same thing ?

In my opinion filtering between moving traffic amounts to making the meat in a sandwich, meat being a particularly appropriate word. Bikes, or rather the riders are very vulnerable, though you wouldn`t think it by the way some of them ride. I`m surprised you seem to be saying that you feel it perfectly acceptable to filter through moving traffic. I thought it dangerous when I had bikes, and I still think it`s dangerous now.


I do have a copy of the Highway code but it`s at work.

From your link this quote is apt :

when filtering in slow-moving traffic, take care and keep your speed low.

I suppose if the speed is walking pace then that`d be reasonably safe, relatively speaking of course. The problem is that many riders would probably consider 20mph or even 30mph a slow speed.

Edited by Justin Smith
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A few times i've had my window down in a world of my own, driving through to castleton, turned to look out at the fields to my right and zzooommmm biker man ****s me up.


Clam down you leather looking f***s!! There is no need to roar past me.

Edited by Tipex
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