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Should pensioner's 'perks' be abolished ?

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Wow I can't believe they are thinking of this! I think it's horrible that people work all their life, pay taxes and contribute to this country and they can't even have their old age without people hounding them for money! Yes, I guess if they have LOADS of money, it doesn't seem right they get a winter fuel allowance but the small amount they get on winter fuel allowance, bus pass makes a big difference to some of the elderly. I think it's ridiculous my mum has to pay tax on her pension and she doesn't get that much! And she still has to pay £1200 per year council tax! £300 winter fuel allowance and a free bus pass really aren't that much!


I'm sure there are some very poor pensioners that need more help than others, but they all still get very very good pensions, pensions were intended only be a suppliment anyhow, if someone can live only on their pension then thats a better use than it was intended for, also most elderly have family or the church to help them with other expenses....my self being a pensioner I'm happy to get a pension and I don't expect any freebies from anyone.. I worked, still do but thats because I can.

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Like child benefit, free bus travel and winter fuel allowance should be means tested. We can't afford to be giving free perks to pensioners with thousands in their bank accounts.


Child benefit IS NOT means tested

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No indeed; I think he's arguing that it should be along with pensioner perks.


I'm a pensioner but I have no argument with that - in fact, it would be a good idea to means test everything - maybe even NHS treatment.

It could be said that people have paid contributions and taxes for the NHS but we have paid the same for our pensions too.


Means testing is obviously the only way to stop all this moaning because it would seem that everyone wants to cut back on every group except the one which they belong to. Doesn't the law of the jungle swing into operation quickly as soon as things get tight?


For those who think like poppins (Quote "but they all still get very very good pensions, pensions were intended only be a suppliment anyhow") - you are going to get quite a shock when your turn comes.


I might also add for poppins information, that in the 40's 50's & 60's, very few had private pensions and the old age pension was intended as a proper pension for the vast majority of us to live on and not a supplement. I worked in the cutlery trade (very low paid) and never came across an employer who had a works pension scheme.


Be very careful what you wish for - it might just happen to you.

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But then if they don't use them, they haven't really cost anything, other than the printing.

That's exactly what I was going to say.


In fact it would cost more to determine who needs free travel, and who does not, than to actually make it available to everyone.



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I might also add for poppins information, that in the 40's 50's & 60's, very few had private pensions and the old age pension was intended as a proper pension for the vast majority of us to live on and not a supplement. I worked in the cutlery trade (very low paid) and never came across an employer who had a works pension scheme.



Quite right; it was believed then that the state pension would provide an income fit for a decent standard of living. It's clear now that such a thing is simply impossible; too many pensioners and not enough workers.


What's less clear is how we swap from our current unworkable system over to one that can be made to work, without financially crippling some group or other. Frankly I don't think we can; I think the decision that's eventually made will be about which group to cripple.

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I'm a pensioner but I have no argument with that - in fact, it would be a good idea to means test everything - maybe even NHS treatment.

It could be said that people have paid contributions and taxes for the NHS but we have paid the same for our pensions too.


Means testing is obviously the only way to stop all this moaning because it would seem that everyone wants to cut back on every group except the one which they belong to. Doesn't the law of the jungle swing into operation quickly as soon as things get tight?


For those who think like poppins (Quote "but they all still get very very good pensions, pensions were intended only be a suppliment anyhow") - you are going to get quite a shock when your turn comes.


I might also add for poppins information, that in the 40's 50's & 60's, very few had private pensions and the old age pension was intended as a proper pension for the vast majority of us to live on and not a supplement. I worked in the cutlery trade (very low paid) and never came across an employer who had a works pension scheme.


Be very careful what you wish for - it might just happen to you.


Hear hear organgrinder!!! Everyone thinks everyone else is better off but it's not true (except for the very rich).


My mum maybe does have more pension than the basic state pension but my dad (who died before he got to 65) worked hard on the building sites for years and by putting small amounts away into a private pension and was able to make sure my mum was cared for after he died. It upsets me that my mum now still has to pay back into the system - why has she been paying NI for years - to get help when she is retired - but now they want to take it back.


I just thinks it's very sad we can't look out for our elderly :(

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Hear hear organgrinder!!! Everyone thinks everyone else is better off but it's not true (except for the very rich).




I just thinks it's very sad we can't look out for our elderly :(


YES! you can look after the elderly and poor , find out who they are, shop for them, take them out on rides, hand them a few pounds for the cold months, look in your local Church Bulletins, they usually ask for donations and rides to the doctors for the elderly, volunteer or get someone else to do it if you can't.


If your close by someone in the grocery check-out that look like they can't afford much, chuck some of yours in their bag and pay for the lot, it's done more often than you think.

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This is just another of the emotive subjects that everyone has a position on.


If pensioner so called perks are stopped, why should we continue to pay child allowance? Nobody forces people to have kids, it's their choice.


Why should we pay benefits to people who are fit for work but refuse to work?


And what about reduced travel/hairdressing/restaurant prices for students? It's their choice to be a student instead of working, so let them pay full price for things.


I also think that women should get less state pension than men because they live longer and they also have to pay for fewer years to qualify for a full state pension. Around 6 years longer life, and 5 years fewer contributions at the moment. In a private pension it would be actuarially reduced to take that into account, so why not with the state pension?



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YES! you can look after the elderly and poor , find out who they are, shop for them, take them out on rides, hand them a few pounds for the cold months, look in your local Church Bulletins, they usually ask for donations and rides to the doctors for the elderly, volunteer or get someone else to do it if you can't.


If your close by someone in the grocery check-out that look like they can't afford much, chuck some of yours in their bag and pay for the lot, it's done more often than you think.


That's true poppins but if you had an elderly mother wouldn't you be happier to know she was getting regular money in the bank each month rather than waiting for people "to do good" and help her out just in case at some point someone didn't "do good" and she didn't have enough money to have the heating on that day!

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