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Should pensioner's 'perks' be abolished ?

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I'm sure there are some very poor pensioners that need more help than others, but they all still get very very good pensions, pensions were intended only be a suppliment anyhow, if someone can live only on their pension then thats a better use than it was intended for, also most elderly have family or the church to help them with other expenses....my self being a pensioner I'm happy to get a pension and I don't expect any freebies from anyone.. I worked, still do but thats because I can.
We don't get freebies in the US, no bus passes, no fuel allowance. Between my wife and I we pull in about $2500 a month social security, and pay a mortgage of $800. Luckily, I have a Company pension, and a net worth of around $130,000. Without that edge, we'd be hard put to live without food stamps.:)
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My answer was,,,Good Idea in most cases, so Swami, read the OPs post then figure out my answer. :)


Are you saying that the majority of pensioners are in some way undeserving? And if you are, where are you getting your information?


I would rather hear what you answer than anything I might intuit. :)

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Are you saying that the majority of pensioners are in some way undeserving? And if you are, where are you getting your information?


I would rather hear what you answer than anything I might intuit. :)


Yes I'm saying most pensioners get too much, where do I get my infomation from : :confused:reading the forum, seing for myself , I know quite a lot of people over there that take advantage of the system, I have friends over there that get the fuel allowance and don't need it, maybe I've from the old school, but OAPs now-a-days don't know how lucky they are compared to just a few years back...you say underserving, YES! thats a good word for it, so you do know what I mean after all.

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