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Should pensioner's 'perks' be abolished ?

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Yes I do know, I've probably spent more time in England than you have living there, and I myself am a pensioner and do more for other pensinors than I imagine you've ever done, what do you do to make things easier for the eldery ? not much but talk about it I guess, also I don't seem to be the only one thats thinks this way, read other posts besides mine.


Mmmm...how long have you been in the USA then Poppins?


This is not about you and me and what we have done or not done for other pensioners.

So...let's just keep to the topic please. :)


I am quite interested to know what you say you know rather than indulge in a contest of ego.

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Mmmm...how long have you been in the USA then Poppins?


This is not about you and me and what we have done or not done for other pensioners.

So...let's just keep to the topic please. :)


I am quite interested to know what you say you know rather than indulge in a contest of ego.


Why bother, you would only nit-pick at it no matter what I said :wave:

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Yes I do know, I've probably spent more time in England than you have living there, and I myself am a pensioner and do more for other pensinors than I imagine you've ever done, what do you do to make things easier for the eldery ? not much but talk about it I guess, also I don't seem to be the only one thats thinks this way, read other posts besides mine.


Yes, read my post for instance - you haven't commented on that - and I don't agree with you. I too was born in the UK, but I've lived here all of my 64 years. I think I know exactly what its like for many pensioners. People of my age and older were brought up through rationing, and many watched their parents eking out an existence after retirement. I also knew some people who were referred to as the 'genteel poor' when I was a child. People who'd basically fallen on hard times, but tried their best to maintain certain standards.


Those experiences made some of us think we need to try to take care of ourselves in our later years. What we didn't know was that the state pension wouldn't be worth much. I actually believe the basic pension should be the same for everyone, and if its at the level that includes pension credit, so much better. The really well off will just pay more income tax. And its sorted. Not much chance of that though :(


And I'm sorry, but 'doing things for the elderly' - whats that got to do with this topic?

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