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Is Jesus Lucifer ?

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i dont get this religion stuff.. some people need to open there eyes
Instead of looking at it as 'religion', if you look at it as a novel in four parts, spanning thousands of years and several countries, with a cast of thousands and extra terrestrials/supernatural beings thrown into the mix it can be quite enthralling. They call it 'the greatest story ever told' and it is a rollicking good read, tbh. It basically starts with the Torah, then Old Testament/New Testament and finishes with the Koran.


I find 'religion' very interesting and I've read various 'holy' books. They're basically the same stories/myths retold in various different ways, with different religions choosing to highlight different parts. Fascinating. I have my own theories about it all, but none of them involves an old man with a beard.

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Sorry, this is so wrong. Would it be allowed to stay posted on here if it asked 'Is Mohammed lucifer'.


It's rude and offensive, if you want to talk about things like this you should t*at off to the David Icke forum.


Don't worry, he's just a troll and is probably trying to convert people to his political/religeous (is there a difference?) perausion.

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Don't worry, he's just a troll and is probably trying to convert people to his political/religeous (is there a difference?) perausion.
What a stupid thread subject. Yeah Jesus was Lucifer and Adolph Hitler the Angel Gabriel
Oh well, two so very well-informed people. Theirs is obviously the last word on the subject .... :D
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rubydazzler says 'I have to say they were two different people ... unless Jesus was schizoprenic? Satan (Lucifer) tempted Jesus several times in the New Testament. Lucifer was God's favourite and the most beautiful of all the angels in Heaven and was kicked out for thinking he should be God's equal. Jesus was God's son, born of a woman, and prior to that he was Michael, the Archangel. Not sure how that worked actually, but, hey, God can work miracles ... a little reincarnation/cloning, a mere bagatelle for the Supreme Being.


I don't buy the Lucifer as Jesus scenario. Although as a plot device, it could be interesting. Mohammed could not be Lucifer, as he was just a man. Lucifer was a supernatural being, an Angel.


Have I made my case?


No!... This is the usual claptrap put out by the balm pots in Brooklyn, New York!

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jesus never existed as such ... mithras did however


Mithras is a Roman God, Jesus a Jewish man. That one got grafted onto the other does not mean Jesus did not live.

The combining of the two happened after Jesus died so there is no reason to believe that many of the stories about Jesus aren't true.


(He wasn't Lucifer by the way.)

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Satan (Lucifer) tempted Jesus several times in the New Testament. Lucifer was God's favourite and the most beautiful of all the angels in Heaven and was kicked out for thinking he should be God's equal. Jesus was God's son, born of a woman, and prior to that he was Michael, the Archangel.

Does this story appear anywhere in the bible?

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Mithras is a Roman God, Jesus a Jewish man. That one got grafted onto the other does not mean Jesus did not live.

The combining of the two happened after Jesus died so there is no reason to believe that many of the stories about Jesus aren't true.


(He wasn't Lucifer by the way.)


I there any reason to think any of them are true?

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Does this story appear anywhere in the bible?


In a rather garbled fashion in Isaiah, but yes. The part about Jesus being tempted is recorded in the Gospels.


If you believe that the Bible is the Word of God, you can't deny that these stories are in it. If you think the Bible is a load of old rubbish, it doesn't matter what's there and what isn't.



The important point, so far as this thread goes, is that Lucifer is not a name. Lucifer is a title, once applied to Satan before he fell into evil, and latterly taken by Jesus for himself. Two people both having been given the same title at different times does not mean they were the same person - real or imaginary!

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