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"wipe israel off the map " Biggest Myth Propaganda?

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It's because people think there is a certain anonymity when posting comments on over the Internet, even though I don't know why they think that. This site is a prime example.
Usually people making the mistakes are those who think they know what other people think before they have asked them what they think and before the accused have said what they think. Think about it, do you think you know what I think? I don't know what you think that is why I ask.
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It suites the Zionists to perpetuate the myth that the Zionist are the victims and the world is against the poor helpless downtrodden people of Israel. Nothing can be further from the truth but hey that is propaganda and if it works do you blame them for using it? There are some brain dead washed Zionism lovers here on SF also and have repeated parrot fashion the same lie, so obviously the propaganda works and isn't about to be given up any time soon.


Peace and love to you my friend.


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Usually people making the mistakes are those who think they know what other people think before they have asked them what they think and before the accused have said what they think. Think about it, do you think you know what I think? I don't know what you think that is why I ask.


People put their thoughts into words, we can all see your words.


And stop fishing

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Because "vanish from the page of time" is not an English idiom. The equivalent English idiom, meaning to delete all trace that something ever existed, is "wipe it from the map."
To be fair to the dinnerjacket he was referring to zionism as a controlling political ideology distinct from Judaism rather than Israel and it's people.
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Maybe it's the nuclear tipped missiles he's developing that point at Israel?



It's a bit of a shame that Iran is run by lunatics because all the Iranians that I've ever met have been smart erudite folk that think that Iran is run by lunatics.


So what's your point truthlogic?

You reference to nukes being developed to point at Israel is a confusing one as Israel this minute IS pointing nukes at Iran.


Development is far different than actually having some as you know. I would feel far more threatened about a person holding a knife to my throat than I would someone walking off to get one.


Iran has got problems, lunatics maybe even, but its a changing developing nation as the riots suggested. The problem is with your closed door, scare mongering reteric is not the solution to any sort of peace just as buldozing nieghbourhoods is not.


As for your justification for medaling with our media for the benifit of propaganda, well that is just another prime example of the attitude that Israel seems to repay its allies with.


You don't give anything other than fear and conflict your time, maybe you should stand back a minute and look at the bigger picture ?

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A concept that I can never have time for, is how otherwise left wing people ally themselves with fascist, sexist, elitist oraganisations such as Islam.
You are confusing us wanting to have the truth in our daily lives with being Pro Islam.


I for one am not pro Islam but that does not mean that I am eligable to tow the Israeli line either.


Why does it have to be neatly sown up into an us or them sinario ?

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It's because people think there is a certain anonymity when posting comments on over the Internet, even though I don't know why they think that. This site is a prime example.
I am not sure how to take this.


Its either a subtle threat or, well I don't know...


Can you elaberate on this post please ???

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