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"wipe israel off the map " Biggest Myth Propaganda?

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it's as if Ahmadinejad has only said this sort of thing one time. Him and the rest of the Iranian theocratic leadership have been coming out with consistently the same line about the desirability of 'erradicating' or 'removing' Israel - which they never mention by name - for the past thirty years.


October 26, 2005, Tehran, IRAN. In a Conference named "A world without Zionism", Ahamdinejad made the following comments. I will post the Farsi transcript of his exact words and will translate it:


موج جديدی که در فلسطين به راه افتاده است و موج معنويت و بيداری در دنيای اسلام، بزودی اين لکه ننگ را از دامان دنيای اسلام پاک خواهد کرد.




The new wave that has begun in Palestine and the new wave of moralism and awakening in the Islamic world will remove this stain of shame, from the surface of the Islamic world.


by "the stain of shame" he is referring to Israel. This term was first used by big daddy Ayathollah Khomeini in the early 1980s to refer to Israel.


Iranian officials themselves were perplexed by the controversy when it made big news in the West in 2005. Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki explained that there was no change in Iranian policy, that Ahmadinejad was quoting Khomeini:


|| The late Imam, right after the 1979 revolution, announced that Iran did not acknowledge the Zionist regime (Israel)... The comments expressed by the president is the declared and specific policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We don't recognize the Zionist regime and don't consider it legitimate.


some have attempted to minimize Ahmadinejad's comments by pointing out that he has limited power and is not the Supreme Leader. So what is Supreme Leader Khameini's record on Israel?


|| Iran’s stance has always been clear on this ugly phenomenon (Israel). We have repeatedly said that this cancerous tumor of a state should be removed from the region.


|| It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.


note : that's not Ahmadinejad mentioning any 'map', but his boss, Khameni.


In addition to refering to Israel as an "illegal state" (with the obvious implication that it thus doesn't have a right to exist and should be done away with), then President Khatami said the peace process was doomed and that:


|| All of Palestine must be liberated


Not just empty rhetoric, Iran established the "International Anti-Zionist Movement" to undermine the Oslo peace process. It was headed by Mohsen Rezaie, the former chief of the Revolutionary Guard (who is close to Khameini). Rezaie said:


|| We ask you, before the vast storm of Islamic countries, to mobilize to destroy Israel and create problems for those governments who defend it.


Ahmadinejad has also stated:


|| we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism


|| There is no doubt that the new wave (of attacks) in Palestine will wipe off this stigma (Israel) from the face of the Islamic world


|| Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, (while) any (Islamic leader) who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world.


He has also threatened Europe that it "may get hurt" if it supports Israel, and that :


|| the countdown to Israel's destruction had begun.

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It would make your journalism more accurate if you repeated "wipe off the map." The phrase used in Arabic is not an English idiom, and any competent translator would replace it by something that is.
No, any Murdock news reporter would, others tend to tell you the actual news and let you make you own mind up on it or get someone in that has an opinion on it, but tell you how it is first and not how they can make it sound.


Sensationalism is the ugly side of reporting.

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it's as if Ahmadinejad has only said this sort of thing one time. Him and the rest of the Iranian theocratic leadership have been coming out with consistently the same line about the desirability of 'erradicating' or 'removing' Israel - which they never mention by name - for the past thirty years.


October 26, 2005, Tehran, IRAN. In a Conference named "A world without Zionism", Ahamdinejad made the following comments. I will post the Farsi transcript of his exact words and will translate it:


موج جديدی که در فلسطين به راه افتاده است و موج معنويت و بيداری در دنيای اسلام، بزودی اين لکه ننگ را از دامان دنيای اسلام پاک خواهد کرد.




The new wave that has begun in Palestine and the new wave of moralism and awakening in the Islamic world will remove this stain of shame, from the surface of the Islamic world.


by "the stain of shame" he is referring to Israel. This term was first used by big daddy Ayathollah Khomeini in the early 1980s to refer to Israel.


Iranian officials themselves were perplexed by the controversy when it made big news in the West in 2005. Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki explained that there was no change in Iranian policy, that Ahmadinejad was quoting Khomeini:


|| The late Imam, right after the 1979 revolution, announced that Iran did not acknowledge the Zionist regime (Israel)... The comments expressed by the president is the declared and specific policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We don't recognize the Zionist regime and don't consider it legitimate.


some have attempted to minimize Ahmadinejad's comments by pointing out that he has limited power and is not the Supreme Leader. So what is Supreme Leader Khameini's record on Israel?


|| Iran’s stance has always been clear on this ugly phenomenon (Israel). We have repeatedly said that this cancerous tumor of a state should be removed from the region.


|| It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.


note : that's not Ahmadinejad mentioning any 'map', but his boss, Khameni.


In addition to refering to Israel as an "illegal state" (with the obvious implication that it thus doesn't have a right to exist and should be done away with), then President Khatami said the peace process was doomed and that:


|| All of Palestine must be liberated


Not just empty rhetoric, Iran established the "International Anti-Zionist Movement" to undermine the Oslo peace process. It was headed by Mohsen Rezaie, the former chief of the Revolutionary Guard (who is close to Khameini). Rezaie said:


|| We ask you, before the vast storm of Islamic countries, to mobilize to destroy Israel and create problems for those governments who defend it.


Ahmadinejad has also stated:


|| we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism


|| There is no doubt that the new wave (of attacks) in Palestine will wipe off this stigma (Israel) from the face of the Islamic world


|| Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, (while) any (Islamic leader) who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world.


He has also threatened Europe that it "may get hurt" if it supports Israel, and that :


|| the countdown to Israel's destruction had begun.

He has not said anything more than what many say for the Muslims all the time on SF, when you traet someone as an enemy make lies up about them put sanctions on the country and threaten war all the time what do you expect and what is the big deal? Why not look at the bullying of Iran that is goinmg on and could lead to thousands more dead?
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No, any Murdock news reporter would, others tend to tell you the actual news and let you make you own mind up on it or get someone in that has an opinion on it, but tell you how it is first and not how they can make it sound.


Sensationalism is the ugly side of reporting.


Sensationalism is not under discussion. Accurate translation is.

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Originally Posted by truthlogic


when in fact what was said was this:


"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".



Can the op tell me what he/she translates this to mean?


It's the word 'regime' which can easily be spotted in Farsi, as it sounds very similar- the regime is Zionism.


Anyone who maintains Zionists represent mainstream Jews is stupid- just like the Taliban do not represent mainstream muslims.


There are Jews who support the freedom of Palestine and oppose Zionists, for they do not stand for Judaisim.

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Interestingly, Hamas has long said that it will recognise Israel, but only within the 1967 borders.


Aren't Hamas the direct descendants, politically, of all the Arab nations who tried to obliterate Israel three times prior to 1967?


It's a shame they hadn't said it in 1966. We would have had peace in the region for forty years now.

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Aren't Hamas the direct descendants, politically, of all the Arab nations who tried to obliterate Israel three times prior to 1967?


It's a shame they hadn't said it in 1966. We would have had peace in the region for forty years now.

Instead they ended up with 40 years of expantion.


I am saying that Israel have not done bad out of not having peace, and you have to look at who would have the most to gain from the conflict. In any crime the person with the most to gain is generally the suspect :suspect:

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It's the word 'regime' which can easily be spotted in Farsi, as it sounds very similar- the regime is Zionism.


Anyone who maintains Zionists represent mainstream Jews is stupid- just like the Taliban do not represent mainstream muslims.


There are Jews who support the freedom of Palestine and oppose Zionists, for they do not stand for Judaisim.


total garbage. There's as many different kinds of Zionists as there are Jews. Religous Zionists, socialist Zionists, atheist Zionists etc etc etc. Fact remains that out of the world's approx. 15 million Jews, a huge proportion support the notion of a Jewish majority state in roughly the ancient homeland of the Jewish people, in the Mediterreanean section of the Middle East.


only a very few religous nutjobs like Neuteri Karta, plus the odd Trotskyite like the late Tony Cliff are Jewish people that you can say are firmly anti-Zionists. And even Neuteri Karta believe in the notion of Israel, if and when the Messiah turns up.


of course there's millions of Jews worldwide that might disagree with what an Israeli government is doing at a particular point in time, just like Israelis do, but that doesn't mean that they are opposed to the notion of Israel having a right to exist.

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