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"wipe israel off the map " Biggest Myth Propaganda?

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Instead they ended up with 40 years of expantion.


more garbage. Check out how large Israel was on June 11, 1967, and how large it is now. They gave back Sinai, an area of huge significance in the Jewish religion, to make peace with Egypt. Between 1967 and 1982, Israel was TWO AND A HALF TIMES the size it is today.

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The new territories more than doubled the size of pre1967 Israel, placing under Israel's control more than 1 million Palestinian Arabs.
I don't pretend to know too much about it but from my understanding of it 1967 became the start of the expansion. Now I am not saying that land was not given back but you cannot deny that its been steadily being re taken as Israel has become more confident of its security and the strength of its armed forces.
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more garbage. Check out how large Israel was on June 11, 1967, and how large it is now. They gave back Sinai, an area of huge significance in the Jewish religion, to make peace with Egypt. Between 1967 and 1982, Israel was TWO AND A HALF TIMES the size it is today.
Correction, The term 'gave 'back' means it was never part of Israel to be then given back, so Israel wasn't larger than then the recognised borders before 1967 and what they have annexed is still regarded as illegal under International Law.
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Well say which parts have steadily been re-taken.


why bother. It's just the usual anti-Israel type, who probably thinks they are really 'progressive', that is starting from the false premise with the antisemitic idea that Israel is 'expansionist' and who probably thinks Israel has a 'secret agenda' to extend its soverignty from the 'Nile to the Euphrates'. This sort of stuff is straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and it's racist claptrap.


of course it never occurs to them to concern themselves with gathering facts, and draw conclusions from those. What they do is the other way round : they decide straight away that Israel is a 'Bad Thing', and fish around for bits and pieces to support their false premise.

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b]the recognised borders before 1967 and what they have annexed is still regarded as illegal under International Law.


there were no 'recognised borders' before the 1967 war. All the so-called Green Line is is the 1949 Armistice Line. Under UNSCR 242 and UNSCR 338, now recognised by Egypt, Jordan, and the PLO, Israel is entitled to administer the territories until such a time as a peace deal is made, which would finally establish for the first time, what the borders will be.


what they have annexed is still regarded as illegal under International Law.


thanks for trotting that one out, but would you care to say precisely which 'international law' the Israelis are in breach of? Tip : Geneva Conventions of 1949 won't wash.

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there were no 'recognised borders' before the 1967 war. All the so-called Green Line is is the 1949 Armistice Line. Under UNSCR 242 and UNSCR 338, now recognised by Egypt, Jordan, and the PLO, Israel is entitled to administer the territories until such a time as a peace deal is made, which would finally establish for the first time, what the borders will be.



Alright, so Israel has no borders to speak of other than the line they were forced to halt at after bullying the way through the Arab homes. That is interesting as the border do not exist when it would be wrong in your terms to call Israel expansionsit so why then is the border that doesn't exist have check points and barbed wire and walls built on it's perimeter?

If the borders don't exist the Israel doesn't exist as you cannot define an entity that is so arbitrary and likes to space alien wants to transform itself to whatever suites it's argument at the time.


thanks for trotting that one out, but would you care to say precisely which 'international law' the Israelis are in breach of? Tip : Geneva Conventions of 1949 won't wash.

Which international law? The same one in respect of which the stolen land of Sanai was given back to the rightful owners.:roll: I can see the point of your argument as deliberately obtuse as Israel exists but the rest of the world doesn't. However, no matter how you repackage your reality and use verbal gymnastics, there will always be questions that can't be answered simply by deceit of semantics, they raise yet more questions.
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Ok I get what your point is, that they are not taking any land because it belongs to them sort of argument.


When Israel got its borders along with the million Arabs living in them it had a responcability for them. Now they are in a land grab with them however you want to claim it isnt, ok so its nieghbourhoods within its borders or however you want to look at it, but if someone knocks down your house and used puts perimiters around that land so you cannot return or build new estates on it, then that is land grabbing.


There is loads of maps showing the specific nieghbourhoods if you want the exact names, in fact im still looking for one that someone put on this forum. I will post it as soon as I come accross it.

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there will be no borders until Israel and the Palestinian Arabs negotiate one. Until they do, Israel can administer the territories in line with UNSCRs 242 and 338 which has been accepted by the Egypt, Jordan, and the PLO.

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there will be no borders until Israel and the Palestinian Arabs negotiate one. Until they do, Israel can administer the territories in line with UNSCRs 242 and 338 which has been accepted by the Egypt, Jordan, and the PLO.
If there are no borders then surely the Palestinians can administer Israel for such time as the agree on a formula for peace? What is this garbage about recognising and not recognising Israel when it is without any defined borders and effectively doesn't exist. How can you recognise something that you can't define where it is as the location cannot be determined without a a defined map?

Seems you have done callippo what many accuse Denajad of threatening, of wiping Israel off the map;)

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Israel is a sovereign state with disputed borders with its neighbours Syria and much less credibly, with Lebanon, despite the Shebaa Farms area being Syrian in 1967, not Lebanese. Having made peace with Egypt and Jordan, the exact borders with those countries is officialised.


as for the Palestinians, as there's never been a country called Palestine, nobody knows where any border is supposed to be. That is up for negotiation.

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