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"wipe israel off the map " Biggest Myth Propaganda?

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It's already been explained several times that 'vanish from the page of time' is not an english idiom and clearly the best translation would be 'wipe of the map'.


Why must you persist in suggesting that this isn't the case?

You're wasting your time talking to the Scherherazade time era that these people belong to, 13th century state of mind and culture with terminology to match.

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From the BBC to CNN across the mainstream western Media every one has accused Iranian hardline president Ahmadinejad of calling for " Israel to be wiped of the map"


when in fact what was said was this:


Translation: "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time".


( when comparing with Israeli regime with communism etc )



Words not used: Israel, wiped off, wipe out, map, world, Earth, face.


why has this blatant lie been propagated by our so called free press ?


according to you what was said was worse.

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Interestingly, Hamas has long said that it will recognise Israel, but only within the 1967 borders.
And which warring faction from gaza do Hamas control, The Black Hand Gang, The Hole In The Head gang, The Mucky Knees Tribe, The Keep Cilla Blach White Movement or the Flat Earth Society?

It was admitted only this week that nobody has overall control in Gaza of the many back to basics (medieval) groups in Gaza

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