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Why do i feel like i'm going to be on my own forever?

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You don't know you're not going to be alone, but you know what? Being in a relationship (especially a poor one) isn't nearly preferable to being alone.


The key to finding happiness is being comfortable in your own skin. And not obsessing over finding someone. :)


Try to stop looking ahead and stick with the here and now and concentrate what's important in your life (rather than worrying about what's missing).

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A year is not very long after a split from a partner.


You are NOt alone. Heck, nearly two years ago my partner of 8 years took off with someone else, leaving me and our child somewhat in the lurch.


I immediately took stock of the situation. Moved back to Sheffield (my home town), got a house, got my life in order, took up some interests, got myself OUT there, and am now going back to studying something I have wanted to do for SSOOOOOOO long...oh, and work part-time, and .....


I BLOOMIN' LOVE IT!!! I have never felt so independent and in control in my whole life. It makes me laugh to see how my ex is gob-smacked by how far I have come, when he was hoping I would fall apart.


Being single is great. Not for one moment do I feel that I NEED a partner to fill a gap. I am totally satisfied with life. Believe me, 18 months ago, I was at the bottom of the barrel, but now I feel like I could swing from the top of the trees.


Maybe I will be with someone again, maybe I won't. It really does not matter. Life is an ever-changing journey, and I embrace that change, and await whatever lies around each new corner.


I tell you one thing that makes me FLY!!!!....dancing!!!!! Once a week, keeps me buzzing for the whole week. Inexpensive, good exercise, fun, sociable. Get yourself out there!!! The world awaits you xxxx

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Exactly. Learn something about yourself. For heavens sake, don't just rush in to a random relationship with some weird, maladjusted, emotionally retarded, confused individual who is incapable with dealing with real life, and unable to live in the real world, just because you don't want to be on your own. Sincerely, utilise, and enjoy your time. Take advantage of getting to know YOU!!!!!!

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S10 I feel exactly like you and I go out loads to different places - been to York in last week and went to Cliffhanger, pub and town and private party last night, I have loads of great friends, all the accepted usual trimmings of house/job/education/car and no ties.

I think people think I'm too independent or just too bloomin ugly. Or there is summat proper wrong with me, i've not worked out yet.

I'm embarrassed how long I've been proper single but I've been amazingly single for 3 years now. I've given up now. Some days it proper bothers me so you are not alone in feeling that.

Get out. Get on dating sites. And if you've got no morals, steal someone, it seems that's the way to do it from what I've experienced from others. I've got morals so couldn't do that.

Hope you find someone soon if that's what you want. But you do generally need to leave the house to do that.

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Exactly. Learn something about yourself. For heavens sake, don't just rush in to a random relationship with some weird, maladjusted, emotionally retarded, confused individual who is incapable with dealing with real life, and unable to live in the real world, just because you don't want to be on your own. Sincerely, utilise, and enjoy your time. Take advantage of getting to know YOU!!!!!!


:thumbsup:That is very sage advice, far too many people fall into this trap and end up in crappy rebound relationships.


As you say, it's time to take stock of who you are and what you really want - it's an ideal opportunity to re-evaulate life as you don't have to factor anyone else into the equation, other than kids if there are any.


I always found my singledom days extremely liberating. You can either embrace your single status or wallow in it.

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