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Housing benefit cuts are on the way

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After reading some of the above post's it seems that if private rents are to be reduced by 30% then there is going to be plenty of notice's to quit being dished out. Where will all the people being given 2 months notice go?


As for excessive rents, I dont know how you would get them paid. Look at the Sheffield Councils web site and it is them what sets the rate of LHA payments.


Another way of looking at so called rip off rents is this;


A house in Hillsborough worth £125000. Sell the house and invest at 5% (it is possible). This will give £6250 in income. This equates to £520 per month. The house (presume 3 bed terrace) will on average for Hillsborough ask for a rent of £525 pcm. Take off estate agents fees, insurance, maintenence and void periods then the house is earning less than money in a bank!


Hardly ripping people off when the return is less than cash in a 5% bond.


I have a property as said above but let to HB at a reduced rent and the tenant pays £1.20 per month. Not all privately rented homes are at full price rent but some HB tenants are more reliable than tenants on a paid income.

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The benefit of a council house should now only be for a 5 year contract to new occupants,people should then make way for new people that need help.Its ridiculous this day and age that people can stop in a council house for life.Housing benefit should be capped so private landlords cannot milk the system,and people coming off a 5 year contract of assisted accommodation should either buy or rent in the private sector! You will find that the market will sort out most of the problems after a while instead of people relying on the state.If there are no jobs to afford housing,people should consider the government proposal of leaving the area to find work elsewhere in the country or abroad, after all,that's what immigrants have done that have come here,and the Irish ,Scots ,and English have a great history of getting off their backsides and seeking work and a better standard of living elsewhere in the world.Sat moaning in your own backyard won't alter things.


My mum who is now nearly 80 has lived in council property for most of her life and obtained housing benefit when she became a pensioner. Are you saying that people like her should only be allowed to live in council property for 5 year - and it isn't "assisted accommodation" - it is someone's home!! The house she lives in now - she has lived in for over 20 years - should she be moved out of there and if so put where????


Is she supposed to "find a job" so that she can pay private renting?


Don't forget there are lots of pensioners who live in council property who have grown up living in council property and have never known anything else.


I was in my early 30's before I was able to get on the property ladder in the 80's - up until then living in council housing (I was actually born in a council house!) - and even that was due to my ex-husband being made redundant and we were able to use his redundancy money for the deposit and the fact that he left the job on the Friday and started another job a week later. If he hadn't been made redundant then most probably we would never have got onto the property ladder in the first place. He, incidentally, is back living in council accommodation!!!!

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My mum who is now nearly 80 has lived in council property for most of her life and obtained housing benefit when she became a pensioner. Are you saying that people like her should only be allowed to live in council property for 5 year - and it isn't "assisted accommodation" - it is someone's home!! The house she lives in now - she has lived in for over 20 years - should she be moved out of there and if so put where????


Is she supposed to "find a job" so that she can pay private renting?


Don't forget there are lots of pensioners who live in council property who have grown up living in council property and have never known anything else.


I was in my early 30's before I was able to get on the property ladder in the 80's - up until then living in council housing (I was actually born in a council house!) - and even that was due to my ex-husband being made redundant and we were able to use his redundancy money for the deposit and the fact that he left the job on the Friday and started another job a week later. If he hadn't been made redundant then most probably we would never have got onto the property ladder in the first place. He, incidentally, is back living in council accommodation!!!!




it's obvious (in their world) that a five year council-house tenancy ( :rolleyes:) will, naturally, give anyone on a pittance of a wage the opportunity to save up for a deposit for a mortgage...


(If they forego the frivolities, and luxuries of life, like, erm... food, and heat, and, erm, clothing...)


A mortgage which the family probably won't be able to keep up the payments on, resulting in them being evicted, and losing that home too...


I've been in my property 7 years.


I don't see the point of wasting time, energy and money, having to move after just five years. I don't want to have to make my house nice, and turn it into a home, knowing that I have only three years and counting left to live there, , sorry, two years 364 days, 23 hours and 45 minutes...


My home has had money spent on it to adapt it to my needs (a stairlift, wetroom, level access etc) I don't see the point, either, in having that money spending on the property, only to have to move out, and start spending more money on adapting another property...


(especially, when it can take three or four years, sometimes, to get the adaptations assessed and carried out!!!)

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SOME of the poorest families in South Yorkshire face being forced out of their homes as charities say a 40 per cent cut to their housing benefit could leave them unable to afford their rents.


Story in The Star


Trouble is, the government can no longer afford to pay their rents either.


Why are rents so high? Is that because house prices are ridiculously out of kilter with average wages perchance?


Who is to blame for that? Could it be Gordon "I will not allow house prices to get out of control" Brown?


Mr Brown said: "I will not allow house prices to get out of control and put at risk the sustainability of the future." He said he was determined that the UK should not return to the "instability, speculation and negative equity" of the 1980s and 1990s.




Brown's statement in 1997.


Once again people completely miss the socially corrosive effects of high house prices. Too busy counting their "free" MEW money to give a damn.

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Sorry to spoil your trolling, but it is not a made up story. The government have stated that they are going to reduce LHA to 30% of the average rent, which means that people who are on Housing Benefit or Local Housing Allowance will have their benefits reduced. It isn't just the people who you like to think of as unemployed scroungers who will be made homeless, but also people who are working and earning the minimum wage. I bet the government aren't going to increase the minimum wage to cover these people!

Wasn't an increase in the minimum wage announced just a few weeks ago.

Some people have very short memories.


This government are targeting the poorest in our society as they know that they won't lose many votes as the poorest don't traditionally vote Tory. Clegg should be ashamed of himself. I believe that he is worse than Cameron. He spent the whole of the election campaigning against the policies which he has now suddenly decided to support just for a few years of being deputy prime minister (or Cameron's media-savvy puppet).

He's had to compromise, as have the Tories because it's a joint government.

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My mum who is now nearly 80 has lived in council property for most of her life and obtained housing benefit when she became a pensioner. Are you saying that people like her should only be allowed to live in council property for 5 year - and it isn't "assisted accommodation" - it is someone's home!! The house she lives in now - she has lived in for over 20 years - should she be moved out of there and if so put where????


Is she supposed to "find a job" so that she can pay private renting?


Don't forget there are lots of pensioners who live in council property who have grown up living in council property and have never known anything else.


I was in my early 30's before I was able to get on the property ladder in the 80's - up until then living in council housing (I was actually born in a council house!) - and even that was due to my ex-husband being made redundant and we were able to use his redundancy money for the deposit and the fact that he left the job on the Friday and started another job a week later. If he hadn't been made redundant then most probably we would never have got onto the property ladder in the first place. He, incidentally, is back living in council accommodation!!!!

I did say now! we have to start somewhere !Obviously people already in council housing should stay, also people with disabilities are always taken care of. But I think 5 year contracts should be introduced sooner or later to new tenants to free the system up,the council house for life system has run its course!
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I don't reply to you because to be honest i don't want to hear the constant crap you are spouting.


If i am ill and my doctor says i should apply for disability benefits why shouldn't i apply for disability?


Also how could anyone be content with £68 per week in Housing Benefits from October 2011 knowing they won't be able to afford it and will become homeless? I hardly receive any benefits and i can assure you that i don't get very much money as it is and already struggle to pay bills and buy food for me and my daughter yet this government wants to make things a lot worse for people like me.


There are going to be far less jobs around very soon so even if i was fit to work what chance would i have of getting one and getting one that paid a good wage that would cover all my rent, bills and food and everything? Also if i was fit enough to work unless this government paid or helped pay for childcare then i would only be able to work part-time as my child is not even at school yet.


As for the father he has one of my children living with him as we agreed to this although we both have joint custody of the child and i see the child 2-3 times a week, he is on income support therefore no he cannot contribute

Maybe you could both have thought this through before you decided to have two children you couldn't afford to raise.

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I did say now! we have to start somewhere !Obviously people already in council housing should stay, also people with disabilities are always taken care of. But I think 5 year contracts should be introduced sooner or later to new tenants to free the system up,the council house for life system has run its course!
:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: what drugs you on ?
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