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Housing benefit cuts are on the way

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You can easily see from this thread why Britain has fallen into disrepair! Why can't people realize that Britain does not owe you a job or a roof over your head,it's down to you!The energy spent on this forum whittling about facts and figures concerning housing benefits is incredible.Some people need to change their mindset and look at their personal responsibilities in their lives.If there's no house no job,go seek your fortune elsewhere,i'ts what millions have had to do down through history in every country.This country is presently in the doldrums and will be for some time to come,Brazil,China,India and other Asian countries are the new kids on the block and are sucking in billions out of the world economic purse.Millions of people could not afford a pair of shoes until recently,whilst we have lived in relative luxury.That's all changing now and the situation seems to be going into reverse.People coming on here moaning about cuts in benefits etc, really ought to start looking at our place in the world economy and be honest what we can afford as a country and what we cannot!

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£6 out of £400 is a large cut? It's 1.5%!


For an individual on £67 a week, £6 is around a 10% cut.


For a large family in 5 Bed accommodation in Sheffield: (£212.76 > £139.81) the cut in LHA rate is around 33% the impact on the families budget will be far greater. Leading to them being forced to move in to overcrowded accommodation.

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You can easily see from this thread why Britain has fallen into disrepair! Why can't people realize that Britain does not owe you a job or a roof over your head,it's down to you!The energy spent on this forum whittling about facts and figures concerning housing benefits is incredible.Some people need to change their mindset and look at their personal responsibilities in their lives.If there's no house no job,go seek your fortune elsewhere,i'ts what millions have had to do down through history in every country.This country is presently in the doldrums and will be for some time to come,Brazil,China,India and other Asian countries are the new kids on the block and are sucking in billions out of the world economic purse.Millions of people could not afford a pair of shoes until recently,whilst we have lived in relative luxury.That's all changing now and the situation seems to be going into reverse.People coming on here moaning about cuts in benefits etc, really ought to start looking at our place in the world economy and be honest what we can afford as a country and what we cannot!


Just because in the past and the third world people live in corrugated iron lean tos doesn't mean we should go back to then.


What is evident from your post is your lack of understanding of social responsibility. You may not like people discussing their situation or that of their neighbours, because you prefer to think only of yourself, but fortunately some have a wider perspective and care about society as a whole. Indeed that is the sort of dialogue a civilised democracy depends upon.

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Why rent a property in your BTL empire to a working man on minimum wage in London, when his non working counterpart has the means to pay the rent, albeit in the form of benefit, the benefit is paid £€$ as opposed to a rent free allocated lot of (high demand) social housing that meets one's needs.


The person on HB need not care, whilst the person who is not, is adversely affected by the level of HB which keeps prices artificially high.


The potential rental income of the property sets a minimum price for property in the area/region.


People may not be able to afford the prices, but those with an entrepreneurial relief of 10% tax on CG of up to £5 Million, and an opportunity to acquire debt to fund the purchase of a property for the purpose of BTL, however, can gain from the system, effectively profiting from the taxpayer funded privatisation of social housing, with the value of each property acquisition dependant on the forecast level of HB payable to private landlords.


I for one, think it is a disgrace.


I think you entirely misunderstand the relationship between HB and rental prices.

You think that rental prices in London are high because of a high level of HB. The reality is the other way around, HB is high because private rental prices are high, reducing HB would not reduce the rents being asked for and would just result in HB being insufficient.


I've not checked, but are you correct in saying that someone who works full time on minimum wage is not eligible to claim any HB?

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The article has its figures wrong but there is still a story here and almost as troubling.


A family in a 5 bedroomed house will find its allowance cut by around 33%.


With the freezing of Child benefit, slashing tax credits and the pegging back of Surestart all these things add up to a vicious and foolish attack on the vulnerable that will have long term as well as short term consequences.


It is a very long way from a non-story.


That would be the vulnerable who are living in a 5 bedroom property at the tax payers expense. My heart bleeds for them.

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I think you entirely misunderstand the relationship between HB and rental prices.

You think that rental prices in London are high because of a high level of HB. The reality is the other way around, HB is high because private rental prices are high, reducing HB would not reduce the rents being asked for and would just result in HB being insufficient.


I've not checked, but are you correct in saying that someone who works full time on minimum wage is not eligible to claim any HB?


In reports I have seen there are large numbers of working people claiming HB to keep them in jobs, many already paying £100 (a month or maybe a week??) to top up their rents. It will make it more difficult for people to be able to afford work in some locations especially those hit particularly hard like in London.

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