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Housing benefit cuts are on the way

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£400 a week??? That's almost three times my last salary!


i think i must be living in the wrong place as my 2 bed house is £204 a month.


clearly benefit boy is just out to troll the boards though.

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...i fail to see how anybody could be out of work for more than a month

I've been unemployed since 10th May, have applied for 60+ jobs since then. About three or four "thank you"s and 50+ completely ignored.


I was unemployed from about mid-1993 to mid-1996, then mid-1997 to mid-1999. I still have the huge folder of copies of job application letters. I haven't counted them recently, but it's well into the hundreds.

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I've been unemployed since 10th May, have applied for 60+ jobs since then. About three or four "thank you"s and 50+ completely ignored.


I was unemployed from about mid-1993 to mid-1996, then mid-1997 to mid-1999. I still have the huge folder of copies of job application letters. I haven't counted them recently, but it's well into the hundreds.


sorry to hear about that, but surely you could take anything just to keep yourself in employment?

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The cuts are purely ideological. If they wanted to stop landlords from charging inflated rents, then they could have legislated for that without slashing benefits. But that would involve regulation of the market which they are ideologically against.

If they wanted to encourage more people into work so they can pay their own way, then they could have held back the draconian cuts that threaten economic growth. But that would mean maintaining the large public sector which, again, they are ideologically against.

We already knew that the coalition policies would increase unemployment - Now we find out that they will increase homelessness as well, with all the social problems that it brings (not least for local authorities).


Frankfurt school.http://filer.case.edu/ngb2/Pages/Intro.html

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I've been unemployed since 10th May, have applied for 60+ jobs since then. About three or four "thank you"s and 50+ completely ignored.


I was unemployed from about mid-1993 to mid-1996, then mid-1997 to mid-1999. I still have the huge folder of copies of job application letters. I haven't counted them recently, but it's well into the hundreds.


Why did you quit the Council without having something lined up? Also why move to the middle of no-where in Scotland without a job?! You can't be that hard up if your renting out a house that you still own...

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Housing benefit should be capped and the tennant should be made to make a small contribution!


Otherwise as it stands, there is no incentive for these people to get back into work! their rents paid for, aswell as job seekers allowances etc...its not worth their while getting a job!!!! Some of these people are living in privately rented accomodation which is nicer than properties us hard working, tax paying people live in!!!

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First i was ran over 3 years ago and sustained a nasty injury to my ankle, at the time i worked in a call centre and 9 month after the accident i got back into my job, a year later my employer made me redundant and buggered off abroad. in the last year because of my problems i have found it very hard to find a job,even call centre work,because in the next 6 months im going to have to go back into hospital for an operation and after will be house bound for 8 - 16 weeks no employer will touch me, i cannot work manual work as the problems i have are in my legs, im only 21 years old and havent got very much experience as things like receptionists or admin. in the last year i started applying for JSA - thinking i could go straight into another call centre many job interviews down the line this is not the case,they always ask me why im limping and due to hospital appointments i have to explain everything.


My previous Employer was going abroad and announced that i would not get any redundancy payout as they were offering me a job in leeds as one department was being moved to leeds ventura and the rest abroad. I got told if i turn this down i would actually be terminating my contract, I had a big argument with the staff and me and some others left before the 90 day notice period was up, for this reoson i couldnt get anything off JSA so once again i had NO INCOME!!


previously a couple of months ago i gave up with the JSA and lived off an interim payment for my compensation for my accident 3 years ago because JSA was stopped i also lost Housing benefit and basically lived off £2000 for 3 months. Unfortunatly after this was gone i then applied for housing benefit again and applied for ESA under the fact that i couldnt get a job because of my injurys and mobility. They told me i had to get a sick note off my doctor in which my doctor was discusted in how i was getting treated.

She issued the sick note on recorded delivery and they've lost it!! even tho i have a signature for the delivery!! Once again i have no income!! in the past year i have had family pay my bills and interim payments and 2 months was on an overdraft facility of £1100 even though i dont have a job. the only thing that has been paying my rent is housing benefit because even if i dont recieve my payments for esa and jsa i still get that!! I live in a privatly rented 1 bedroomed cluttered flat and have had nothing for 1 year now!! so what the hell would i do if housing benefit stopped??

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Why did you quit the Council

Good one ;)

without having something lined up? Also why move to the middle of no-where in Scotland without a job?! You can't be that hard up if your renting out a house that you still own...


Did he say he was hard up, or just unemployed?

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