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Housing benefit cuts are on the way

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They would all still be able to live in a house if they got off their backside's and at least tried to work, plenty of jobs out there, some people just don't want to.


Too true, I would have people who claim housing benefit dig holes in a field all day long and the next day fill the holes up, they would do this 8am til 4pm 5 days a week.


See how long it would take them to go and find a job!

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Too true, I would have people who claim housing benefit dig holes in a field all day long and the next day fill the holes up, they would do this 8am til 4pm 5 days a week.


See how long it would take them to go and find a job!

:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: what a attitude to take :loopy:
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Why are you not entitled to HB?


This is all irrelevant to Sheffield. HB is to be capped at £400 per week, the maximum HB payable in Sheffield at the moment is slightly over half that so it won't actually affect anyone

not according to the new figures coming out it aint
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Too true, I would have people who claim housing benefit dig holes in a field all day long and the next day fill the holes up, they would do this 8am til 4pm 5 days a week.


See how long it would take them to go and find a job!

What about the people who claim housing benefit who already have jobs? What about the pensioners and the carers and the disabled and mentally disabled who all claim it would you have them digging holes all day?
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read the link it gives a few
I've read the link and it gives a few figures but no source for this new legislation. It just says that homeless charities are saying if there were a drop then people would suffer which is quite true. What it doesn't say is where this drop in figures is coming from. Its just speculative journalism. There is no drop coming other than what i've previously mentioned. That and the 5 bed rate of LHA is going
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Why are you not entitled to HB?


This is all irrelevant to Sheffield. HB is to be capped at £400 per week, the maximum HB payable in Sheffield at the moment is slightly over half that so it won't actually affect anyone


Because i live with family. If i left of my own accord i would not be entitled to housing benefit or any support from the council, they would have to force me out and prove to the council i was forced out.



£400 per week cap seems very reasonable to me. I am sure even in london you can get a decent place for 400 per week.

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There is a benefit to this for landlords. If they have troublesome tennants they want out but cant get them out legally, this will be a perfect excuse to get them out, if they cant afford rent they cant stay there.


Private landlords don't normally need an "excuse" to evict tenants: they can usually give notice without having to prove any reason.

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The cuts are purely ideological. If they wanted to stop landlords from charging inflated rents, then they could have legislated for that without slashing benefits. But that would involve regulation of the market which they are ideologically against.

If they wanted to encourage more people into work so they can pay their own way, then they could have held back the draconian cuts that threaten economic growth. But that would mean maintaining the large public sector which, again, they are ideologically against.

We already knew that the coalition policies would increase unemployment - Now we find out that they will increase homelessness as well, with all the social problems that it brings (not least for local authorities).

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