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Housing benefit cuts are on the way

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My son lives in Hither Green London in a first floor small two bed flat, rent............£400 per month.


my point precisely.


My council house was £50 per week.


2 massive bedrooms, a huge dining-kitchen, and a lounge... plus garden and outbuildings.


Twice the facilities your son has, for half the price.

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I'm very worried about this as a parent who is unfit to work and put in a claim for disability i fear that i will be homeless come next October.


I live in a 2 bedroom property that is private rented my rent is £500 a month and at the moment a lot of that is paid although i do have to contribute towards my rent however this government seems intent on hitting poor people and making people homeless i have no doubt that thousands of people will end up homeless due to this government we could end up turning into a 3rd world country.


From next October from the figures quoted i will receive around £272 a month in housing benefit leaving me with £228 per month to pay myself which i can safely say is not going to happen.


Now if i could get a council house for £50 per week i would but as you know it's very hard to get one.


I would be lucky to get a 1 bedroom flat for anywhere near £300 per month but do they expect parents with kids to live in a 1 bedroom property? Also Landlords won't reduce their rent i have asked mine several times but they have refused.


I already worry for the future but this government will be out in 5 years time i have no doubt about that they are hitting the poor severely cutting all benefits and now housing benefit all i can say is typical tories all for the rich as usual they don't give a stuff about the poor and the lib dems are just basically licking the tories backsides.

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I'm very worried about this as a parent who is unfit to work and put in a claim for disability i fear that i will be homeless come next October.


I live in a 2 bedroom property that is private rented my rent is £500 a month and at the moment a lot of that is paid although i do have to contribute towards my rent however this government seems intent on hitting poor people and making people homeless i have no doubt that thousands of people will end up homeless due to this government we could end up turning into a 3rd world country.


From next October from the figures quoted i will receive around £272 a month in housing benefit leaving me with £228 per month to pay myself which i can safely say is not going to happen.


Now if i could get a council house for £50 per week i would but as you know it's very hard to get one.


I would be lucky to get a 1 bedroom flat for anywhere near £300 per month but do they expect parents with kids to live in a 1 bedroom property? Also Landlords won't reduce their rent i have asked mine several times but they have refused.


I already worry for the future but this government will be out in 5 years time i have no doubt about that they are hitting the poor severely cutting all benefits and now housing benefit all i can say is typical tories all for the rich as usual they don't give a stuff about the poor and the lib dems are just basically licking the tories backsides.

You need to rid yourself of the silly idea that the new government is not interested in helping the less fortunate in society, this is just a Labour left myth designed to keep people like you always fearful of not casting your vote their way!

You have not stated how much the difference between what you are paying, and what you will need to pay towards your rent will be!

Also it seems you have children! What is their father contributing to yours and their welfare,or as in numerous cases might it be the taxpayers who are footing the bill.

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I've read the link and it gives a few figures but no source for this new legislation. It just says that homeless charities are saying if there were a drop then people would suffer which is quite true. What it doesn't say is where this drop in figures is coming from. Its just speculative journalism. There is no drop coming other than what i've previously mentioned. That and the 5 bed rate of LHA is going


The 40% drop in Local Housing Allowance is where the impact will be.


Not only that but the the removal of the top 1% of rents in the market evidence for each bedroom size in the calculation of Local Housing Allowance rates will not now go ahead, making the situation worse.


Half of people claiming LHA already top up their rent by a £100 or more. These cuts will hit the poor hard.


but it will also affect companies hard too. Connaught has seen its share price drop by a third as a result of the budget.


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You need to rid yourself of the silly idea that the new government is not interested in helping the less fortunate in society, this is just a Labour left myth designed to keep people like you always fearful of not casting your vote their way!

You have not stated how much the difference between what you are paying, and what you will need to pay towards your rent will be!

Also it seems you have children! What is their father contributing to yours and their welfare,or as in numerous cases might it be the taxpayers who are footing the bill.


The poor are seeing 20% cuts to household income as a result of this budget.




Maybe you could explain how that can be understood as being inspired by caring?

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You need to rid yourself of the silly idea that the new government is not interested in helping the less fortunate in society, this is just a Labour left myth designed to keep people like you always fearful of not casting your vote their way!

You have not stated how much the difference between what you are paying, and what you will need to pay towards your rent will be!

Also it seems you have children! What is their father contributing to yours and their welfare,or as in numerous cases might it be the taxpayers who are footing the bill.


Well to me it does appear that this government could not give a stuff about the less fortunate poor people as they are the ones that this government is hitting the hardest.


At this present moment in time i receive around £460 each month is housing benefit that leaves me with £40 each month that i pay myself out of my benefits.


From next october if i was still living in this property i would only receive around £272 per month in housing benefit and would have to make up £228 per month in rent which on a very low income would be impossible if i somehow managed to pay that amount i have no doubt that i could not afford food or bills.

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I've read the link and it gives a few figures but no source for this new legislation. It just says that homeless charities are saying if there were a drop then people would suffer which is quite true. What it doesn't say is where this drop in figures is coming from. Its just speculative journalism. There is no drop coming other than what i've previously mentioned. That and the 5 bed rate of LHA is going


This is the bit that this report refers to:


"Currently, the allowance for each size of property is about 50 per cent of the market rate for rent in a certain area.


But from October next year the allowance is being slashed to a third of market rates"


This affects people claiming Housing Benefit/Local Housin Allowance.


There are at least three other major changes that will affect people:


The first is that the level of HB will be restricted to £400 a week which is unlikely to affect peopl in Sheffield.


The second is that effectively the rules for Local Housing Allowance will be introduced into Council and Housing Assocaition properties, these people will be affected as those in the report.


The third is that people on HB for 12 months and in receipt of JSA will have their Housing Benefit reduced by 10% after 12 months.


But as they keep telling us "We are all in this together", it just seems that those most in need are in it considerably more.


Thanks Nick, I'm sure this isn't what great Liberal politicians of the past envisaged would be introduced when they entered Government.

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The poor are seeing 20% cuts to household income as a result of this budget.




Maybe you could explain how that can be understood as being inspired by caring?

Maybe you can explain why the last government left the country in such a mess.Sure give the less well off every affordable assistance,but lets not keep on borrowing money to pay for it all.

The trouble is that Labour became a friend to everyone who knocked at their door for assistance,now the invoice has arrived and needs to be paid before the bailiff-es arrive.The welfare state did not exist at one time not all that long ago and still does not in many parts of the world today,some argue it is a necessity others that it is a luxury,somewhere in between seems right to me.Neither makes sense without the cash to pay for it.

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A lot of people on housing benefit do rent privately, but if the budget goes through as planned they will not be able to anymore. How many 3 bedroom houses are available to rent for just over £300 per month? We will see a massive increase in homelessness.
i think the rip off landlords will accept that they have had it to good for to long and most will agree to a rent ceiling set by an independant agency ,

the benefit claimants make up a large number of renters so if they are refused the housing benefit and have to move out many private homes will soon be standing empty

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