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Housing benefit cuts are on the way

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Maybe you can explain why the last government left the country in such a mess.Sure give the less well off every affordable assistance,but lets not keep on borrowing money to pay for it all.

The trouble is that Labour became a friend to everyone who knocked at their door for assistance,now the invoice has arrived and needs to be paid before the bailiff-es arrive.The welfare state did not exist at one time not all that long ago and still does not in many parts of the world today,some argue it is a necessity others that it is a luxury,somewhere in between seems right to me.Neither makes sense without the cash to pay for it.


Ok simple question for you.


Person A loses his job and he is a single man over 25.


He will get around £65 a week and his rent of £90 a week is currently paid.


Under the new rules his £90 will become around £60 and his JSA will remain the same, leaving him £35 a week to live on.


What level do you think this person should have to live on each week?

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Well to me it does appear that this government could not give a stuff about the less fortunate poor people as they are the ones that this government is hitting the hardest.


At this present moment in time i receive around £460 each month is housing benefit that leaves me with £40 each month that i pay myself out of my benefits.


From next october if i was still living in this property i would only receive around £272 per month in housing benefit and would have to make up £228 per month in rent which on a very low income would be impossible if i somehow managed to pay that amount i have no doubt that i could not afford food or bills.

Why are you getting£460 per month housing benefit,when I have never received a penny towards my mortgage?

This is scandalous!.............are you on other benefits as well?

Also you have not answered my query as to what level of support the father of your children gives you.................Lets just hope he's not one of those that pretends he doesn't live with you!

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i think the rip off landlords will accept that they have had it to good for to long and most will agree to a rent ceiling set by an independant agency ,

the benefit claimants make up a large number of renters so if they are refused the housing benefit and have to move out many private homes will soon be standing empty


Which independent agency? The government has just scrapped plans to introduce a register of landlords that could have provided many safeguards including tackling high rents. That they have done this, shows how little they are concerned with tennants rights. It just doesn't sit right with their free market ideology.

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Well to me it does appear that this government could not give a stuff about the less fortunate poor people as they are the ones that this government is hitting the hardest.


At this present moment in time i receive around £460 each month is housing benefit that leaves me with £40 each month that i pay myself out of my benefits.


From next october if i was still living in this property i would only receive around £272 per month in housing benefit and would have to make up £228 per month in rent which on a very low income would be impossible if i somehow managed to pay that amount i have no doubt that i could not afford food or bills.


The common word here is benefits, like has been said. the childrens father should contribute.

My son has just bought his own flat and pays £600 per month out of his wages and struggles for extras,we take him away with us for hols,what gives people the right to take £460 per month in housing benefits and then moan cos they have to contribute out of any other BENEFITS,what do you or your sprogs pop contribute out of your own pocket?

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Ok simple question for you.


Person A loses his job and he is a single man over 25.


He will get around £65 a week and his rent of £90 a week is currently paid.


Under the new rules his £90 will become around £60 and his JSA will remain the same, leaving him £35 a week to live on.


What level do you think this person should have to live on each week?

O.k.simple answer for you!....£35! till he decides it's not enough and he goes out into the big wide world and decides to do something about it,takes control of his own destiny, and stop whingeing about the nanny state!not paying him enough.

But alternatively he could sit on his backside,roll a few spliffs,consider a spot of burgling possibly,live at mum and dads who knows.

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Maybe you can explain why the last government left the country in such a mess.Sure give the less well off every affordable assistance,but lets not keep on borrowing money to pay for it all.

The trouble is that Labour became a friend to everyone who knocked at their door for assistance,now the invoice has arrived and needs to be paid before the bailiff-es arrive.The welfare state did not exist at one time not all that long ago and still does not in many parts of the world today,some argue it is a necessity others that it is a luxury,somewhere in between seems right to me.Neither makes sense without the cash to pay for it.


Have you heard of the global banking crisis? subprime lending, perhaps? the need to bail out the banks and to put public money in to the economy to protect the private sector from the effects of the drying up of private sector lending?


When and where the welfare state does not exist you have people living off rubbish dumps and in accomodation made from corrugated iron scraps. You may class that as a luxury, but I see it as a minimum requirement for a civilised society.

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Why are you getting£460 per month housing benefit,when I have never received a penny towards my mortgage?

This is scandalous!.............are you on other benefits as well?

Also you have not answered my query as to what level of support the father of your children gives you.................Lets just hope he's not one of those that pretends he doesn't live with you!


No, mossdog


What's scandalous here is your attitude, that would expect that mother and her children to risk losing the roof over their heads.


You don't know this woman or her circumstances, she may not be able to chase the ex for money as she may be fleeing a violent relationship, and wants to keep her whereabouts safe.


What he does or does not pay is irrelevant, as whatever monies she might get from him would be taken off her benefit anyway.

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£35! till he decides it's not enough and he goes out into the big wide world and decides to do something about it,takes control of his own destiny, and stop whingeing about the nanny state!not paying him enough.

But alternatively he could sit on his backside,roll a few spliffs,consider a spot of burgling possibly,live at mum and dads who knows.


So is the £35 a week for everyone unemployed, or only for those you believe aren'ta ctively looking for work.

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Have you heard of the global banking crisis? subprime lending, perhaps? the need to bail out the banks and to put public money in to the economy to protect the private sector from the effects of the drying up of private sector lending?


When and where the welfare state does not exist you have people living off rubbish dumps and in accomodation made from corrugated iron scraps. You may class that as a luxury, but I see it as a minimum requirement for a civilised society.

We would not have had a banking crisis in this country had Browns 4000 strong FSA group of wasters done their job properly!
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What he does or does not pay is irrelevant, as whatever monies she might get from him would be taken off her benefit anyway.


It is irrelevant cos its called paying your way,if the father is contributing then its less money coming from our taxes and then not a bigger strain on the countries coffers.

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