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Housing benefit cuts are on the way

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It's a made up story.


There is a proposal for a cap. There is no proposal to cut local housing allowance in Sheffield by 40%. The local MP's that responded to the journalist made themselves look ridiculous.

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There was an item on CH4 news one evening last week about poverty in the USA and the huge number of people living in 'tent cities'. Some of these were as bad as anything to be found in South Africa or South America. Many of these people were in full employment but just could not afford to live in normal accommodation.


To see this level of poverty in the richest nation on earth was pretty shocking but is it the road our coalition govt. intend to take us down ?


Cutting housing benefit will not just affect the jobless, and the govt. seem intent on creating a lot more of those, but also many thousands of low paid workers too.


I hope our local authorities are working on where they can find the space to create our own tent cities.


I agree with you this government is causing to cause poverty on a big scale and cause thousands and thousands of people to become homeless, People like myself.


At the end of the day if i cannot afford to move into cheaper accommodation and at the moment i am paying £40 per month out of my benefits towards my rent which at the moment i can afford to do, However as i said earlier from next October i'm going to have to fork out £228 per month in rent which i already know is impossible, I wish it wasn't but the fact is people like me in this position are knackered.


Also as i said earlier if i could move into a council house that was £60-£70 per week then i would do that right now given the chance but getting a council house/flat is already very difficult and will become even more difficult under this government.


Now i myself have put in a claim for disability as my doctor has said i am not fit enough to work and i know i cannot work but from what i have read thousands of people will be refused disability after having a medical even if they are genuinely unable to work, It already happens a lot now i have read hundreds of stories regarding this so the future looks very blink indeed.


Labour already messed around with Housing Benefit and lowered it under these LHA rules and they are already harsh so to heavily reduce the housing benefit further is going to cause big problems for so many people, You will see loads of people living on streets i have no doubt about that.

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A lot of people on housing benefit do rent privately, but if the budget goes through as planned they will not be able to anymore. How many 3 bedroom houses are available to rent for just over £300 per month? We will see a massive increase in homelessness.


They're capping it at £400 a WEEK, which is £1600 a month! More than enough to rent a house. You could buy a bloody mansion for that!

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They're capping it at £400 a WEEK, which is £1600 a month! More than enough to rent a house. You could buy a bloody mansion for that!


Wrong! I myself live in a 2 bedroom property that is £500 per month.


At this current moment in time i get £460 per month in Housing Benefit and pay £40 out of my own pocket.


From next October i will receive just £272 per month in Housing Benefit which is nearly £200 less per month.

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From reading this it seems as if all Council Housing is free.

Surely this is not the case?

At one time people used to pay rent on Council Houses, it was more than the rent they paid on the rat holes they used to live in, but they thought it was good value.

Indoor toilet, bathroom, bath to keep the coal in etc.

They thought it was marvellous.

Now they get it all free it seems.

BTW, what do they do with the baths now they dont need coal fires?

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I agree with you this government is causing to cause poverty on a big scale and cause thousands and thousands of people to become homeless, People like myself.


At the end of the day if i cannot afford to move into cheaper accommodation and at the moment i am paying £40 per month out of my benefits towards my rent which at the moment i can afford to do, However as i said earlier from next October i'm going to have to fork out £228 per month in rent which i already know is impossible, I wish it wasn't but the fact is people like me in this position are knackered.


Also as i said earlier if i could move into a council house that was £60-£70 per week then i would do that right now given the chance but getting a council house/flat is already very difficult and will become even more difficult under this government.


Now i myself have put in a claim for disability as my doctor has said i am not fit enough to work and i know i cannot work but from what i have read thousands of people will be refused disability after having a medical even if they are genuinely unable to work, It already happens a lot now i have read hundreds of stories regarding this so the future looks very blink indeed.


Labour already messed around with Housing Benefit and lowered it under these LHA rules and they are already harsh so to heavily reduce the housing benefit further is going to cause big problems for so many people, You will see loads of people living on streets i have no doubt about that.

For the third time of asking! what is the father of your children doing about all this grief!because I would sooner him help sort your circumstances out than us! and that's maybe where your anger should be directed!
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For the third time of asking! what is the father of your children doing about all this grief!because I would sooner him help sort your circumstances out than us! and that's maybe where your anger should be directed!


I dont think you will get an answer to that question somehow mossdog.

I do believe though there is an element of people taking personal responsibility for their lives, but without knowing what the full story is, it is impossible to comment.

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It's a made up story.


There is a proposal for a cap. There is no proposal to cut local housing allowance in Sheffield by 40%. The local MP's that responded to the journalist made themselves look ridiculous.


The move from a median calculation for LHA next year, to a 30% one is made up? only in the sense that George Osbourne has made it up.

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I dont think you will get an answer to that question somehow mossdog.

I do believe though there is an element of people taking personal responsibility for their lives, but without knowing what the full story is, it is impossible to comment.

Well it seems that she has taken personal responsibility for her life!...........................................she's just put a claim in for disability!!!
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