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New Govt taking away our right to know how badly Council is performing

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I’m beginning to despise this Government more as each day passes. Their latest idea is to take away the monitoring of performance of all Councils across the country.


So if you’ve commented in the past on threads about for example; how much Rent has been calculated, or the level of Council Tax arrears, or the performance of bin collection, or the standard of the Benefit service, or the number of empty Council properties, or the performance of Social Services, then I’m afraid from here on in your access to this information will be removed.


Of course, the real reason why they are doing this is that they don’t want to publicise the anticipated reduction in the quality of the service and have us question it.


How long before we see further removals of our right to see information about Public Services.



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I’m beginning to despise this Government more as each day passes. Their latest idea is to take away the monitoring of performance of all Councils across the country.


So if you’ve commented in the past on threads about for example; how much Rent has been calculated, or the level of Council Tax arrears, or the performance of bin collection, or the standard of the Benefit service, or the number of empty Council properties, or the performance of Social Services, then I’m afraid from here on in your access to this information will be removed.


Of course, the real reason why they are doing this is that they don’t want to publicise the anticipated reduction in the quality of the service and have us question it.


How long before we see further removals of our right to see information about Public Services.



Apart from you shouting once again from the rooftops how much you "DESPISE" this government,is this really worthy of another of your threads?
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Where would you rather see the money spent?

Should the council spend the money on providing the services?

Or should they spend it on telling you how well (or poorly) they are doing?


You asked: "How long before we see further removals of our right to see information about Public Services?"


No doubt you will retain the right to see information about public services - but perhaps you may have to pay the cost of providing that information.

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Apart from you shouting once again from the rooftops how much you "DESPISE" this government,is this really worthy of another of your boring threads?


I can only assume that you don't like threads that comment on the performance of public bodies for this comment, so I guess you'll be quite happy that we don't know how well or badly we are doing.

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Where would you rather see the money spent?

Should the council spend the money on providing the services?

Or should they spend it on telling you how well (or poorly) they are doing?



I would have thought both!

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Their latest idea is to take away the monitoring of performance of all Councils across the country.



the procedures before the previous government decided to micromanage every aspect of local council activity were really quite adequate.


the article goes on to mention that it costs leicestershire county council £3.7 million pounds to provide the necessary information. there are over 400 councils, if it costs them all that sort of money then the overall saving will be enormous.


what, of course, is most likely to happen is that the money spent on telling ministers things they really aren't interested in knowing will be redirected into front line services where it will do some good.


the fact that you support an overwhelming and pointless bureaucracy rather than front line services really confirms the level of contempt the new labour hierarchy had for the population of this country.

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I’m beginning to despise this Government more as each day passes. Their latest idea is to take away the monitoring of performance of all Councils across the country.


So if you’ve commented in the past on threads about for example; how much Rent has been calculated, or the level of Council Tax arrears, or the performance of bin collection, or the standard of the Benefit service, or the number of empty Council properties, or the performance of Social Services, then I’m afraid from here on in your access to this information will be removed.


Of course, the real reason why they are doing this is that they don’t want to publicise the anticipated reduction in the quality of the service and have us question it.


How long before we see further removals of our right to see information about Public Services.




Ha ha at least its only information,wasnt it Labour that HALFED bin COLLECTIONS????Wasnt it Labour that started segrigatting large numbers of council housing not for uk residents use? Wasnt it Labour that left our roads full of holes? Yet your here bleating about some info.

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I would have thought both!


How do you spend the same money twice? - The councils are going to have less money to spend. Choices will have to be made.


I repeat my questions:


Should the council spend the money on providing the services?

Or should they spend it on telling you how well (or poorly) they are doing?


You appear to have missed the word 'Or'

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the procedures before the previous government decided to micromanage every aspect of local council activity were really quite adequate.


the article goes on to mention that it costs leicestershire county council £3.7 million pounds to provide the necessary information. there are over 400 councils, if it costs them all that sort of money then the overall saving will be enormous.


what, of course, is most likely to happen is that the money spent on telling ministers things they really aren't interested in knowing will be redirected into front line services where it will do some good.


the fact that you support an overwhelming and pointless bureaucracy rather than front line services really confirms the level of contempt the new labour hierarchy had for the population of this country.


So you really don't care how much Rent arrears are owed, or how many children are in each classroom?

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