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Government help the unemployed in relocating.

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Caught wind of a new Government scheme to help people relocate to areas with more work.


Tried looking up what is actually on offer, but all I can find is news articles on it.

Labour are still at it with the scaremongering, claiming that because of tory policies, people are going to be booted out of their homes and relocated if offered a job in another part of the country.

Which probably will happen in the Labour constituencies, if this is how they perceive the policy.


Would be good if someone could help me find out more info on this, and maybe even stretch to giving their views on the subject.


Would you want to escape Sheffield's council estates for a job somewhere else?

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So how does this work, then..? You live on a Council estate in Sheffield and your "type" of work is available in, say, Northampton. Now I'm guessing that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE in Northampton is looking for same work and NO ONE in Northampton minds if you que jump their housing list for a nice Council house / flat in their town so you can upstakes and move down there...?????!!


What happens to the empty Council home in Sheffield? Filled straight away with someone who is working, until they also loose their job????


Smacks of the"Get On Yer Bike" culture, except is "Leave Your Home Altogether" to get work...


Why not let us do the same as our "trusty" MP's and have TWO homes, mostly paid for by the State and live in one house during the week to work and return to the second home at the weekend...

Good enough for that lot...:loopy:

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My parents in law moved out of London in the early 50s, went to Wales, and then to Scotland because there were opportunities there. The family got housed under a 'key worker' scheme. But in those days, people had to be able to afford council housing, as it was better quality (baths, hot water etc) than many of the old privately rented ones. Lettings weren't done on the basis of need. They'd been living in one room in London, with no chance of getting anything better for years. And in the days before housing benefits, being on the dole meant you could rarely afford decent housing.


I had a friend who with her husband and kids moved from London to Northampton in the 70s or 80s, as part of a scheme to help people into jobs and they got social housing as part of the deal.


As social housing is in such short supply these days, I can't imagine how its going to work, unless the government put real money into building homes in areas where there is work. Then they'd have to allocate them to those who get the jobs, and who've had to give up social housing to move there.


I believe those who are motivated to find work, and have the necessary skills, qualifications and experience generally make the effort and don't expect to find everything they want on their doorstep.

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What you are saying is true. My Dad moved here to get work, but it was his choice - they wern't forced to shift and as you also rightly say, there was no Housing Benefit back then, but there WAS the work and it usually paid a wage that covered the cost of your home... Their old house was privately rented and I remember Mum saying what a luxury it was to have a Council home with hot / cold running water and a loo, INSIDE!

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its all <removed> there are people all over the country looking for work.

where are the places where we can all go to get jobs.. where are all the vacancies?

it's same as, they raise the retirement age.... people over 50 cant get a look in at a job interview any way so they are gonna be unemployable for 20 years now.

read in the papers today about apprenticeships...no one has the long term work to take them on, I worked for a company that used to have a large intake of apprentices...now takes very few, cos they havent got the work for them after. dont tell me about this.. i have first hand experience about this..

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Here's an idea, instead of going to all the hassle and expense of shifting folks round the country to find work, bring the work to the parts of the country that has highest unemployment and give the companies a leg up to do that... Oh, sorry, that's what they WERE going to do by giving Forgemasters a loan... Silly me...

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