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Government help the unemployed in relocating.

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Guest sibon
Not misleading at all. Quite happy for you to present alternative examples of gerrymandering.


The difference being that you made an unsubstantiated claim. I presented an example:)

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I would have appreciated the opportunity to relocate at times in the past.


Fair point Tony (in isolation, of course) - I'm sure we all have been in a situation at some point in our lives when assisted moving would have seemed attractive. However, the main point behind this policy proposal is the scapegoating of the council tennant. IDS portrays the council estates as a problem that is holding the country back from realising it's potential, so if we all scattered ourselves accross the country the problem would go away. Of course, even if this does ever materialise, only a small number of people will end up participating. But that isn't the point. The point is that a lot of blame for society's ills will already have been heaped upon council tennants - and, as with the economic comparisons with Greece, most middle class floating voters will already believe it as fact.

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Fair point Tony (in isolation, of course) - I'm sure we all have been in a situation at some point in our lives when assisted moving would have seemed attractive. However, the main point behind this policy proposal is the scapegoating of the council tennant. IDS portrays the council estates as a problem that is holding the country back from realising it's potential, so if we all scattered ourselves accross the country the problem would go away. Of course, even if this does ever materialise, only a small number of people will end up participating. But that isn't the point. The point is that a lot of blame for society's ills will already have been heaped upon council tennants - and, as with the economic comparisons with Greece, most middle class floating voters will already believe it as fact.


Not what I make of it. Unemployment levels are far higher in social housing than in other tenures - stereotypes usually have some basis in truth. The thing that holds some council tenants back from moving, is the inability to get social housing in a different area. If you have a secure tenancy, its a big decision to give it up these days when social housing is in such short supply.


If it is a serious suggestion, then perhaps the scenario might be: Social housing tenant in town A is unemployed, but is successful in getting a job in town B 50 miles away. The council, in town B has to give him/her some sort of priority status. He/she is near the front of the queue to get a council or housing association property equal to the one he/she will have to leave.


Of course, that would then free up a social housing property for someone who has managed to get a job in town A. If there are no jobs in town A, its one more vacant property for someone who is homeless etc. Pure speculation of course. ;)

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Not what I make of it. Unemployment levels are far higher in social housing than in other tenures - stereotypes usually have some basis in truth. The thing that holds some council tenants back from moving, is the inability to get social housing in a different area. If you have a secure tenancy, its a big decision to give it up these days when social housing is in such short supply.


If it is a serious suggestion, then perhaps the scenario might be: Social housing tenant in town A is unemployed, but is successful in getting a job in town B 50 miles away. The council, in town B has to give him/her some sort of priority status. He/she is near the front of the queue to get a council or housing association property equal to the one he/she will have to leave.


Of course, that would then free up a social housing property for someone who has managed to get a job in town A. If there are no jobs in town A, its one more vacant property for someone who is homeless etc. Pure speculation of course. ;)


I have no objection to the principle in theory, but I cannot see it being successful on even a modest scale. How can it work practically?

Would someone apply to move when they applied for the job? Would they then be given the ok that, if successful, a home would be granted to them?

This would seem like the obvious way but, it assumes local authorities have an abundance of spare decent homes that people can move into at the drop of a hat (which they obviously do not).

Co ordination of such a scheme on a nationwide basis would be very time consuming and expensive. This government can't afford that - and there'll be no jobcentreplus staff left to help with it after the cuts kick in.

I don't think they have any intention of rolling this out nationwide. It's just another gimmick, which has the added advantage (for them) of further stigmatising council tennants.

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I have no objection to the principle in theory, but I cannot see it being successful on even a modest scale. How can it work practically?

Would someone apply to move when they applied for the job? Would they then be given the ok that, if successful, a home would be granted to them?

This would seem like the obvious way but, it assumes local authorities have an abundance of spare decent homes that people can move into at the drop of a hat (which they obviously do not).

Co ordination of such a scheme on a nationwide basis would be very time consuming and expensive. This government can't afford that - and there'll be no jobcentreplus staff left to help with it after the cuts kick in.

I don't think they have any intention of rolling this out nationwide. It's just another gimmick, which has the added advantage (for them) of further stigmatising council tennants.


I agree it would be difficult to manage, and local authorities definitely don't have an abundance of homes available. But, as I have an interest in social housing (and governments do keep changing the rules about letting them) I'll watch that space and see what they come up with.

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