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3 country rotation to fix economy

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As was practiced in the middle ages with the 'three field crop rotation' to increase food productivity .... I've come up with a cunning yet surprisingly obvious answer to Britains financial crisis! The 'three country rotation'

This involves us Brits teaming up with two other countries (say, Germany and France) What we do is all leg it over to Germany for a year leaving our country totally empty (fallow) Before leaving we sprinkle clover seed all over the place allowing it to grow and replace all the goodness in the soil. The next year the froggies pop over to ours and grow onions in the lovely nitrogenated soil whilst us and the Germans nip into France (maybe to practice football) leaving Germany to lay fallow.

By the time we return to ours the year after everything's lovely and fresh and we start things from scratch with a totally new economy! Brilliant eh? ;)

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Great idea! :D


As wars are the biggest drain on our economies it might be an idea to replace our missile and weapons systems with turnip grenades and pumpkin bombs at the same time. That way we could fight off the enemy whilst feeding the poor and displaced at the same time!

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can we leave some of our wasters behind then, in France and Germany? Like have a bit of a people clear-out. Mind you, we don't want the German and French wasters left here. Unless we can let them loose then hunt 'em down?

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