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Overstaffed local councils and lazy council workers

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I hope you will keep an open mind Anna - but make sure it is an open mind.


The media are in business to make money - If, on the way, they can tell you the news, you might get lucky.


The government are in business to stay in power. If on the way they happen to tell you the truth, you are very lucky.

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'Overstaffed' councils - I can believe that.


'lazy council workers' ... is that a problem? - If so, why don't you (the people) get rid if them?


We elect councillors, not council workers. The civil servants don't all get sacked when new councillors are elected.


Of course there's little reason to believe that the councillors would put up with lazy staff.

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This article bears no resemblance at all to my job in the council. Sounds like the writer is on a nice earner, but the reality for people in the bit of SCC where I work is entirely different.


The OP seems to be keen to perpetuate one of the Tories' current divide and rule strategies, which is to set public and private sector workers against each other. It's clear why they are doing this: by the Treasury's own estimates, the cuts recently announced in the budget will lead to 1.3 million job losses, most of which will be in the private sector. Now, if I was going to cause 600,000 - 700,000 jobs to go in the private sector, I'd find it convenient to find someone else to blame; public sector workers for example.


Of course it will only work if people swallow it, and forget who really caused this crisis, which is the banking class. The rich are still rich, the bankers are still coining it, and everyone else is going to get a financial kicking so that the ruling elite aren't touched. But only if we let them. Unite against the rich!

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Actually they were taking the michael once we had completed the work for them - prior to that they weren't as bad (though holiday was still a constant excuse and that we "can't do anything with that job because it is his case, he will be back in a month" - which was almost enough to put out of business). In this case it was more that they didn't want to pay us (SCC are well known for hanging on until the last minute before paying out, even if it sends businesses over the edge (and I know one that went to the wall because of delays in SCC payments). They then claim that they are "our terms" (SCC terms) even though they have signed a contract with us that states clearly that payment is due on completion of the work, there terms being irrelevant because we never agreed to them.

Aren't SCC's finances dealt with by a private company?

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Aren't SCC's finances dealt with by a private company?


Like the IT support contractor who recently took 2 weeks to fix a network problem which caused loads of disruption? Bet if it had been their own network they'd have had it fixed in a jiffy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I read the article, from listening to the over 50's in the office, that was the way things were in the 80s, it's 2010.


Did it ever cross your mind that newspapers are like politicians and lie through their back teeth?


I laughed when I read the story as it was obvious that the fella hadn't been working in a Council office and made up the story or hadn't been in since the 80s. Thought only a bloody fool would believe it and I was right.


Oh your mates work for the Council and say it is like that? That sounds about as truthful as my saying I'm a 10'10" block called Bob

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I'd just like to dispel a few of these myths basically i work for Sheffield City Council as an admin work or a Business Support Officer which is our official title.


*People do surf the net, but people are allowed to do this in their lunch (which I do and am currently doing as I'm on my lunch)

*a few meetings a maybe pointless though in my role the meetings I attend are of a serious nature and have a great deal of purpose to them.

*With regards the pension issue, yes when I turn 70 in 48 years maybe I will get a good pension but then again why I shouldn't I, . To be fair everyone should but just because other people don't then I don't think it's a reason to change to terms of public sector pension also we do pay a great deal into our pensions so its only right we get a decent one back.

* One poster referred to many people leaving at 4pm. In the council admin teams a member of staff is required to work 37 hours each week. For for example if I came in at 8.45 each, had lunch 12pm - 1pm, then left at 5.15pm that would equate to 37 hrs a week. However we are allowed to come in as early as 8am and work as late as 6pm also people can have only a 30 minute lunch so if somebody came in a 8am each they are doing 45 minute on top of there required hours each day so they could use that 45 minute to leave as early as 4pm if they wished as long as they'd had built the hours up and there was someone else in their team still working while 5.15pm to cover the phones.



I also think so.

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