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Why does the opposition have to contradict the government all the time?

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I'm not suggesting that they should abandoned their principals. I'm suggesting that they work with the coalition government for the good of the people, to reduce the current deficit and improve the economy. Surely give and take between all the parties would be for the benefit of the country. For example, why won't Labour talk about what their plans were to get the country out of the financial mess its in? Every time this question is posed to Labour, they never answer.


It was set out in the middle of April in the form of a budget, you won't get a much more explicit description than that.


As for working with the Tories.... If the Tories do more than just think about creating a positive duty to pay tax for example, I would hope Labour would support that. But in the budget the Tories only said they would think about it. But since almost everything the Tories have done has been regressive in attacking the poor, excessive in terms of cuts and dangerous for business, it would be foolish of them to do anything but object.

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It was set out in the middle of April in the form of a budget, you won't get a much more explicit description than that.


A pre-election budget. Trust me, they weren't about to start swinging the axe just before an election.




The gaping black holes in Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg's plans to tackle Britain's public finances crisis were laid bare today.


The Institute for Fiscal Studies warned that taxes would almost certainly have to rise after the election — no matter who wins.


The respected economists also accused Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats all of failing to be open with voters.


They found the Tories the biggest shortfall in their plans for public spending cuts between April 2011 and March 2015 — of £52.4 billion — compared with £44.1 billion for Labour and £34.5 billion for the Lib-Dems.


“Whoever forms the next government, that points to greater reliance on tax increases and welfare cuts after the election than the parties are willing to admit to beforehand.”




No one was being detailed or honest about their spending plans prior to the election. Probably quite wise too, it would have been electoral suicide to do so.

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