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Most evil men in history

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Is the number of people you kill more important than the manner in which you do it?


Numbers of dead would suggest levels of evilness. If a person kills another and is evil, is a person who kills a million, a million times as evil? How do you measure evilness?


This does not make sense. Which one person has on his/her own murdered a million people? How many people did Adolf Hitler actually murder by his own hand? He may have ordered millions to be put to death, but if his soldiers had refused then very few of those millions would have actually died - so it was the soldiers who actually carried out the murders. There is a difference - though the very fact he made the order makes him 'evil'.


A person who takes pleasure in the killing of others is no less evil than someone who kills others without the pleasure. The thing is that they murder. And the whole thing continues because our government order our soldiers to kill, just as Hitler ordered his, and our soldiers do as they are told. Okay - not gas chambers and such, but still killing in obedience of orders from above.


Nothing is ever clear cut black and white. It generally stays a very murky grey.

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Wars supported by Cameron. Cons would have matched Lab's public spending (upto two years ago), If they'd have stopped spending then they would have done more damage to the economy than he and his lapdog are about to do now.


Blair misled the commons on Iraq. Do; 45 minutes from doom, chemical weapons and the dodgy dossier ring any bells :roll:


In regards to the economy, did the G20 not just agree on deficit cuts by 2013? Far earlier than Labour intended? Which countries are now following Brown’s “I saved the world” fiscal easing policy? Try one. How was the FTSE 100 fairing in the run up to the election under Labour? Was it on a downward spiral? How is it doing now? Is it again rising? Which chancellor said "we will never return to the old boom and bust"? :hihi:


Labour is old news. One day you will realise that fact. :D

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There have been many evil men throughout history, but who is the evilest man of them all?


Does God count? For those who believe in such things, God was responsible for the great flood which wiped all life off the planet, except of course for those on Noah's boat. Now that is pretty evil!! ;)

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Is the number of people you kill more important than the manner in which you do it?



Or the objective? Hitler caused the deaths of millions, but he believed he was working for the overall good. A psychopath might only kill three or four, but if his sole reason for doing so is that he enjoys seeing their insides splattered across his living-room carpet, there's a case to be made that he is more evil.

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Ghengis Khan, Lucretia Borgia, Bloody Queen Mary


Ghengis Khan didn't mess about.


He looked like Jack Palance in the film.:hihi:.


Some very interesting reading about Ghengis Khan and how his dna is found in a massive percentage of the worlds population.

You can probably say he more than replaced what he got rid of.:hihi::hihi:..

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