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Most evil men in history

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I was around at the time and in a couple of eras before that.


Wilson = Soviet spy

Callaghan = That good an administrator we couldnt even bury the dead and had to go cap in hand to the IMF so they could pay their way.


Thatcher did what had to be done. After the socialists made us the sick man of europe she re established some pride in the country and sorted out the communists (unions).


Now after the latest set of comedians have gone I hope that Cameron has the guts to see it through and get us back on our feet again.


One think about the labour party is consistency,




That is very strange, because the only times I have been on my arse is under tory governments.

Under Wilson back in the 60's was the best time of my life.

I cant comment on the 70's as I was abroad most of the time.

But the 80's were an unmitigated disaster.

Massive taxes, massive interst rates, frozen family allowance, and 4 million unemployed, strikes and chaos agogo. Riots, violence and embarrasing 'wars' against teenage conscript boys.


And you call that sorting things out.


The early 90's were even worse, they introduced incapacity benefit, in order to massage the unemployment figures, approaching 5 million, leaving us with the culture we have today of entire generations that have never known work.


The tories cannot be trusted to do anything right, for gods sake they are toadying to the bankers now, who caused this latest mess.

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I've always been given the impression that Himmler was very keen on it, and wanted the Jews dead. Eichmann, though, didn't seem to have any grudge against the Jews or any other group; he just killed them in large quantities because it was his job, and he wanted to do it well.



The latter attitude seems to me the more evil.


Maybe the lowest people in the hierarchy are in a way the most evil Leaders who have evil agendas need people to do their evil dirty work for them. I doubt Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann or Heydrich ever actually killed anybody themselves but they had plenty of the willing amongst their minions.


Himmler definitely looked the type who would toss his guts up if he had to shoot someone


The other day I was watching an old TV series called the World at War.

A former concentration camp guard was being interviewed. He was middle aged, healthy looking and well dressed. typical German who was doing well for himself at the time the series was being produced in the early 70s. The open candid manner he described the way the prisoners were gassed gave the impression of a man who had no remorse whatsoever. A typical cold blooded type that carried out their duties unflinchingly i would say


Most normal minded men who have killed seldom want to talk about such things to anyone later on let alone be interviewed on TV.

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History is a continuem, to realise the "why" of the 80s you need to study the "how" of the 70s.


Thatcher was necessary.


To combat unions which couldnt see why having three years worth of mined coal on the surface, with no customers was acceptable, that to produce the worst massed produced cars in the world that no one wanted to buy needed public subsidy, and to produce steel at exorbitant prices was equally acceptable. These are examples, there are others.


Had her successors stayed in power I believe they would have done something about our disgusting education system, one that after over 60 years of a socialist based welfare state has lead to a government front bench populated by ex Eton and Harrovians. The reason? the comprehensive (socialist) system doesnt work and the rest of us cannot compete.


I note that you spent time "on your arse" and complain about your frozen family allowance. Perhaps getting on your feet and only producing the children you could afford to rear may have helped.


Toodle Pip.

That is very strange, because the only times I have been on my arse is under tory governments.

Under Wilson back in the 60's was the best time of my life.

I cant comment on the 70's as I was abroad most of the time.

But the 80's were an unmitigated disaster.

Massive taxes, massive interst rates, frozen family allowance, and 4 million unemployed, strikes and chaos agogo. Riots, violence and embarrasing 'wars' against teenage conscript boys.


And you call that sorting things out.


The early 90's were even worse, they introduced incapacity benefit, in order to massage the unemployment figures, approaching 5 million, leaving us with the culture we have today of entire generations that have never known work.


The tories cannot be trusted to do anything right, for gods sake they are toadying to the bankers now, who caused this latest mess.

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