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Englands way forward..radicalism with a difference!

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It appears that the the only perceived way forward, as far as the silver spooner government is concerned is to attack the poor. I say, why not attack the rich instead?It was NOT the poor who caused the recession, it was the wealthy!


I would suggest that we confiscate the wealth of every family who live on inherited wealth . We should start with the wealthiest and work our way down the list until we have covered the national debt. The queen of course would be a victim, BUT, I would give her priority housing in Parkhill Flats!:|

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I would say exactly the same, Instead of this government cutting things like Housing Benefit and other benefits and attacking the poor and forcing them into poverty they should only take money from the rich, They live a life of total luxury they should be the ones targeted, Typical tories though attacking the poor and making the poor poorer and making the rich richer.

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I would make the starting point the house of lords, what a farce! They are a bunch of old has been fuddy duddies who know nothing about the real world! GET RID OF THEM!


One of them actually can trace his family tree back to 1066, when one of his ancestors helped invade England and stole lots of land. He has lived a privelged life by virtue of that! It happens to be TRUE!

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If you start your politics of envy strategy with Capello and work your way through the Premier League footballers and their WAGS that'd be a good start, why not?


Oh, come on girl. It is a different argument. Footballers did it through their own efforts, not someone elses. Look at our national team for example, they are GREAT!:(

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Oh, come on girl. It is a different argument. Footballers did it through their own efforts, not someone elses. Look at our national team for example, they are GREAT!:(
oh yeah right :rolleyes:


They're overpaid ill educated chavs and taking away their ill gotten gains and sending them back to the back street or estate they came from would be a fitting end for them.

/elitist mode off


Except for David and Victoria, they can keep their money, because they're pretty and I quite like them :rolleyes:


Punishing inherited wealth? How is it fair to confiscate the house that your parents have desperately tried to hang on to to pass onto their kids, even to going to the lengths of trying to defraud the system and avoid paying for their care home costs. Where do you think we live, Soviet Russia or Mao's China? :hihi:

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oh yeah right :rolleyes:


They're overpaid ill educated chavs and taking away their ill gotten gains and sending them back to the back street or estate they came from would be a fitting end for them.

/elitist mode off


Except for David and Victoria, they can keep their money, because they're pretty and I quite like them :rolleyes:


Punishing inherited wealth? How is it fair to confiscate the house that your parents have desperately tried to hang on to to pass onto their kids, even to going to the lengths of trying to defraud the system and avoid paying for their care home costs. Where do you think we live, Soviet Russia or Mao's China? :hihi:



I love you really.:love:


Because I am:loopy:



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I thought you were going to say because I'm secretly living on vast inherited family wealth, and you'd like to steal it from me. :D


It always makes me smile how so many people's ambition is to win big on the lottery (or pools in the past), whatever the means is of getting vast amounts of money without earning it, and yet these same people often want to take their legally acquired possessions away from anyone they perceive to be above them in life.


It's caused by jealousy and envy, of course. Can I see your green eyes ...??

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