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Englands way forward..radicalism with a difference!

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The landed gentry as you call them never have to pay anything.


Can you provide some details to back up that claim? I know it's annoying to be asked to provide unnecessary things like, y'know, facts and stuff but I guess I'm just awkward like that.

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I can see it now. Majestic and his Merrie Band of Proletarian Warriors for Economic Equality cross the green meadow to the Duke's castle.


The Duke up in the ramparts watches them approach his long bow and trusty broad sword at the ready


"Hand over all yer inherited wealth, goods and chattels" Majestic bellows out


"Get stuffed" the duke bellows back

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Can you provide some details to back up that claim? I know it's annoying to be asked to provide unnecessary things like, y'know, facts and stuff but I guess I'm just awkward like that.


I am holiday, what are you doing on here?, from what I see you are on here all day long

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i've met some landed gentry and they were all hard working, though to be fair the non-working ones probably wouldn't have been in the places i was.


whether they actually work or not is immaterial, they all have workers and tend to be significant local employers


I found them to be a mix of people just like any other group in society some are arrogant and selfish, some intelligent others stupid, some are hedonistic playboys, some are messed up drug addicts, many are active campaigners on social issues. The whole spectrum of human nature good and bad.


What they all have in common however is privilege, something that they haven't earned themselves. Their parents may have inherited the privilege or they might have earned it and I have some sympathy with the view that having earned privileges themselves, some of that privilege should allow them to give their children a good start in life.... but not at the expense of others. It is not just a good principle to believe that everyone deserves what chance they can get to be a constructive member of society, it is also a general good for society that they do. Only equal societies are truly meritocracies.

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We shall never begin to change society to make it fairer whilst people are happy lo live in relative poverty, without even realising it. It is the "I got a bigger car than joansey next door, so therefore I am prosperous and upper class" attitude, that keeps people poor.


"We are all in the gutter but at least I am looking up at the stars" comes to mind.:roll:

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If, during this economic slump caused by the rich and their dodgy financial practices, people lose their livelihoods through no fault of their own, and the Tories have cut benefits to the point where they can't make ends meet, I see no problem at all in people redistributing wealth by force.


And the good news is, the Tories are cutting the police and courts as well, which will make it even easier!

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I've met a few of the landed gentry. Most of them were required to work very hard. - Perhaps their parents felt: "I'm spending a small fortune sending you to school; you'd better get off your bum and work. - I don't see why I should waste my money." (Being born of wealthy parents is not, IMO, an indicator that said parents are profligate. - Some of the meanest people I've met have been wealthy ... as have some of the most generous.)


Do you think that the children of wealthy parents don't have to study hard to learn things? I've seen no evidence to support that argument. Kids (particularly when you take them away from a family environment) are pretty good at being equal. I went to a boarding school. - An English Public School. (Back in the days before Labour decided that the children of working-class parents weren't worthy of the chance to get a decent education and scrapped the 11+)


I've met a lot of rich people in various lines of work. The vast majority seemed thoroughly miserable, so I guess having lots of money doesn't buy you happiness. Perhaps we can help cheer them up a bit.

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This is what would happen if wealth was redisitributed.


Everyone would get 10 thousand pounds.


One year later there would be people who have increased that amount to 50 thousand pounds or more and people who dont have two pennies to scratch their asses with.



Human nature being what it is there are people who will get out and make something of themselves and lazy buggers who just want ti lay around and expect everyone else to carry them


Workers and parasites

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If, during this economic slump caused by the rich and their dodgy financial practices, people lose their livelihoods through no fault of their own, and the Tories have cut benefits to the point where they can't make ends meet, I see no problem at all in people redistributing wealth by force.


And the good news is, the Tories are cutting the police and courts as well, which will make it even easier!


The revolution is gaining momentum!:cool:


The REAL REDISTRIBUTION is on its way!:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Music to my ears it is too!:roll:

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