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Englands way forward..radicalism with a difference!

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Taking away inherited wealth wouldn't significantly reduce the national debt anyway. Theres not enough of it left anymore.


Britains taxation system is pretty severe already that's why British entertainment celebrities have a history of leaving the country to live overseas. Theirs is not inherited wealth. Many of them lived through lean times before their talents got them to the top of the entertainment world yet their taxes would be punitive by any standard if they lived all year round in their native country


High taxation always has a negative outcome . Big businesses are always a target for more taxes but squeezing extra money from businesses reduces profits which means that there is less money to invest and expand. In turn this means less jobs and people who cant find jobs spend less money on consumer goods. Less consumer spending results in an economy that cannot expand and remains flat.


We all need to pay taxes but the mindset of taxes, taxes and more taxes belongs only to the very naive. That rubbish has been tried before throughout history and most always ended in abysmal failure

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It appears that the the only perceived way forward, as far as the silver spooner government is concerned is to attack the poor. I say, why not attack the rich instead?It was NOT the poor who caused the recession, it was the wealthy!


I would suggest that we confiscate the wealth of every family who live on inherited wealth . We should start with the wealthiest and work our way down the list until we have covered the national debt. The queen of course would be a victim, BUT, I would give her priority housing in Parkhill Flats!:|


You are basically saying that we should all work for ourselves and any wealth we have when we die rather than be passed on to our families should instead be taken by the state to make up for those who spent their lives creating debt.

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Typical tories though attacking the poor and making the poor poorer and making the rich richer.


Wealth gap in UK grows


Tony Blair long ago focused the Labour's attentions on Middle England – but has the party of Keir Hardie and Nye Bevan now finally abandoned the working class?


Research published last year found that the gap between rich and poor is at its widest for more than 60 years.





I would make the starting point the house of lords, what a farce! They are a bunch of old has been fuddy duddies who know nothing about the real world!


Alan Sugar?

Floella Benjamin?

Peter Mandelslime?

John Prescott?

Neil Kinnock?

Nat Wei? (He's only 33 by the way)


Fuddy duddies?



It is time to sort this class culture once and for all. It has gone on for too long.


Interestingly, the Russian revolution replaced the old elite but produced a new Politburo/Presidium elite with their Dacha's and special Party shops which sold western goods and food not available to ordinary Russians.


Have you read Orwell's Animal Farm? If not, it might be worth getting hold of a copy.


Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
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I'm not sure that's quite right actually.:suspect:


Many had to sell the family silver to keep going and some stately homes were left to the National Trust, is true, but Chatsworth, for example, still belongs to the family, Longleat, Beaulieu, Renishaw, just to name a few. They've become very successful at what they do.


You have to remember that Sheffield is part of Robin Hood country. Some of the present day inhabitants obviously believe in him :D

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You don't think we just had a Socialist Government, do you? :)


Some people on here might find it hard to believe (Titanic99 and Wednesday1 in particular) but I used to be a supporter of the Labour party.


The Labour party that is, not NuLabour, which is basically just the Tories with better spin doctors.


As Bill Hicks once said:


I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs." "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking." "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!" "Shut up! Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this and get fat and stupid. By the way, keep drinking beer, you f***ing morons."


Well, they say the UK is about 20 years behind America. Guess what? We've caught up.

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Taking away inherited wealth wouldn't significantly reduce the national debt anyway. Theres not enough of it left anymore.


Britains taxation system is pretty severe already that's why British entertainment celebrities have a history of leaving the country to live overseas. Theirs is not inherited wealth. Many of them lived through lean times before their talents got them to the top of the entertainment world yet their taxes would be punitive by any standard if they lived all year round in their native country


High taxation always has a negative outcome . Big businesses are always a target for more taxes but squeezing extra money from businesses reduces profits which means that there is less money to invest and expand. In turn this means less jobs and people who cant find jobs spend less money on consumer goods. Less consumer spending results in an economy that cannot expand and remains flat.


We all need to pay taxes but the mindset of taxes, taxes and more taxes belongs only to the very naive. That rubbish has been tried before throughout history and most always ended in abysmal failure


The opposite of that is true. :rolleyes:


Income inequality creates unhealthy and unsuccessful societies. Whether income equality is achieved by more equal wages like Japan or higher taxation like the Nordic countries the result is healthier more productive societies.



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It appears that the the only perceived way forward, as far as the silver spooner government is concerned is to attack the poor.


Is anyone actually surprised by this though? That's what Tories do. It's literally in their genes.

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Very true, and yet we still have the insanely jealous seeking to inaugurate a communist state in the UK. They'd have such a shock if their plans ever came to fruition.


I abhor class envy in all its manifestations and this sort of attitude from the lumpen proletariat is petty jealousy at its worst. I'd like to see anyone proposing to remove his wealth, if any, from Majestic. I reckon they'd have a battle on their hands. :D


Where is the class envy in a budget that sees the poorest 10% paying 6 times more than richest 10%?



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Where is the class envy in a budget that sees the poorest 10% paying 6 times more than richest 10%?
Nothing to do with the Budget. I was referring to Majestic wanting to annexe all family wealth and possessions to the State and house the Queen in a flat on Park Hill.


The dirty Red! :D

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Where is the class envy in a budget that sees the poorest 10% paying 6 times more than richest 10%?




I just don't get that. So many of us on low incomes will benefit from the raise in the tax threshold and 2.5% VAT won't make much of a difference. I think its pointless resenting people with inherited wealth. The next generation of those will include children of people like Jordan, many premiership footballers, Cheryl Cole, Louis Hamilton etc. All people making millions. As these 'celebs' weren't born with silver spoons, perhaps their children will feel differently and want to get ordinary jobs and share their wealth with the poor. Or perhaps not. :roll: Will the people who dislike our current crop of inheritors feel the same about them? Or will they be considered ok, because they won't be 'posh'?

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