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Englands way forward..radicalism with a difference!

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Its the way of the world, you can be a criminal and rich and that makes you a decent person, on the other hand you can be poor and decent and your scum.


Think of the slum landlords, they made a lot of money out of the poverty of others, let people live in badly maintained, rat infested hovels and they were pillars of society.


The poor people who lived in those slums and worked hard just to keep that raggedy roof over their heads and their kids bellies filled were looked upon as the dregs of society. The same people who called them scum of the Earth started calling them salt of the Earth when war broke out and they needed some mugs to protect their rich way of life for them.


Its a sick old world, the only way to make it more fair is by trying some sort of communist society, but human nature being what it is, even then are some people more equal than others and get the perks.

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I cannot believe peoples acceptance of something that they KNOW to be unfair. If you KNOW that it is unfair, you should not just take it on the chin, you should at least attempt to change it.The "It is that way and has always been that way" attitude will only serve to ensue that it is ALWAYS that way.

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I really cannot understand your position. You state catagorically that life is unfair and then defend the unfairness of it. How about trying to alter it a little so that it is seen to be a little fairer. What have you got against having a fairer society anyhow?:suspect:
We have an extremely fair society in the UK. I'm against too much social engineering because I can remember the outcome of a nation ostensibly making a 'fairer' society and it was the stuff of nightmares. The wonderful USSR, which was probably one of the most unequal countries outside the third world in the 20thc and still is. Since the end of WWI we've tried unceasingly to make society fairer in the UK and look how that's ended up :help:.


Educated and civilised people all feel that 'something should be done' when we're young and idealistic. As we get older, we start to realise that it's just not possible. Life is not fair and you can't make it so no matter how much you may want to.


"All animals are equal but some are more equal than others".

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We have an extremely fair society in the UK. I'm against too much social engineering because I can remember the outcome of a nation ostensibly making a 'fairer' society and it was the stuff of nightmares. The wonderful USSR, which was probably one of the most unequal countries outside the third world in the 20thc and still is. Since the end of WWI we've tried unceasingly to make society fairer in the UK and look how that's ended up :help:.


Educated and civilised people all feel that 'something should be done' when we're young and idealistic. As we get older, we start to realise that it's just not possible. Life is not fair and you can't make it so no matter how much you may want to.


"All animals are equal but some are more equal than others".



"Four legs good, two legs better"

I know all about the history of Russia and the Orewell novel. It does not change my opinion at all. All that we would need to create a fairer society is for the majority of people to wish for and work towards it.

NOTHING to do with Russia or Communism.:cool:

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OK, why not form a political party with those aims and start working towards it? Every idea has to start with someone being prepared to stand up for it. You could donate your and your extended family's property to get it off the ground, that'd be only fair.


I won't be joining though. People whose main big idea is to take other people's possessions away by legal means because 'it's only fair' scare me.

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OK, why not form a political party with those aims and start working towards it? Every idea has to start with someone being prepared to stand up for it. You could donate your and your extended family's property to get it off the ground, that'd be only fair.


I won't be joining though. People whose main big idea is to take other people's possessions away by legal means because 'it's only fair' scare me.


But if it is inherited wealth from previous generations, the children have not earned it and so it should NOT legally belong to them. They have not ACHIEVED it, like Prince Charles? His achievements are zero! Why should he own anything?:roll:

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But if it is inherited wealth from previous generations, the children have not earned it and so it should NOT legally belong to them. They have not ACHIEVED it, like Prince Charles? His achievements are zero! Why should he own anything?:roll:
Oh fgs! You silly, silly child. Grow up! And if you don't want your parent's legacy, make sure you tell them in good time so that they can arrange to leave it someone who'll appreciate it.
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But if it is inherited wealth from previous generations, the children have not earned it and so it should NOT legally belong to them. They have not ACHIEVED it, like Prince Charles? His achievements are zero! Why should he own anything?:roll:


but your ignoring what might they achieve


to take the example of stately homes, the wealth left by the ancestors is used to help maintain the property for the current and future generations


where is your incentive for people to strive to improve and develop themselves?

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I just don't get that. So many of us on low incomes will benefit from the raise in the tax threshold and 2.5% VAT won't make much of a difference. I think its pointless resenting people with inherited wealth. The next generation of those will include children of people like Jordan, many premiership footballers, Cheryl Cole, Louis Hamilton etc. All people making millions. As these 'celebs' weren't born with silver spoons, perhaps their children will feel differently and want to get ordinary jobs and share their wealth with the poor. Or perhaps not. :roll: Will the people who dislike our current crop of inheritors feel the same about them? Or will they be considered ok, because they won't be 'posh'?



All political parties are arguing ever more fiercely and been ever more vocal for a meritocratic system and one that ensures opportunity for all. Whilst simutaneously allowing the wealth gap to become ever wider and argue against increasing inheritance tax as 'unfair'.


I think our class system is becoming more rigid as wealth inequality widens. Whether or not people seeing Wayne Rooney's or Katie Price's photos in Taltler will reassure them that all is fair is another matter.

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