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Englands way forward..radicalism with a difference!

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I've enjoyed this thread, it's been illuminating and very funny in unequal measure. There may be a few capitalist hyena running dogs, arty, but there are also some idiotspeople talking like soft Clem. Remember him? ;)


@Rupert, although I agree with most of what you say, there will always be people who value education and knowledge for their own sake, and for the satisfaction it brings to them, not just because it enables them to get a better standard of living.


I'd guess that the cardiologist would be doing his job and putting in the hours, even if Maj and his ilk were standing by to rob him of his just desserts to pass on to some idle no-hoper sitting around in his free house, just because he's that kind of man.


After all, it's pretty much what's happening now in this country. Don't reward the meritorious, but take as much from them as you can, and give it to the undeserving. Just in the interests of 'being fair', of course. :help:

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In my fair society everyone who works would be presented with a "standard house" at 30 years old. They would be given this house to live in free for the rest of their life, or would be able to "move up" using their own income.


But who would decide the whereabouts of your "standard house" would it be Darnall or Dore, and who would buy these "standard houses" when the lessee "moved up"?

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I was born naked (though covered in hair) and without a silver spoon in my mouth. My parents didn't have much money and there was nothing to inherit.


My son was born naked, also without a silver spoon in his mouth, but when I die he (or his children) will inherit everything I (if I'm #2 to go) or my wife can leave them.


Everything I own I worked for. I don't see why I should be required to donate it to the state or to somebody who thinks the world owes her/him a living.


I really don't give a damn how much Prince Charles has got. - I have (from time to time) been interested in him (We're pretty much the same age and we both got in a deal of sh[one]t for drinking Cherry Brandy when we were 13 but other than that we have little in common.) I do care about my kids and my grand-children.


If you want a society where there is no wealth, then presumably you are prepared to accept a society where there is no ambition.


Wealth isn't always money. I don't always work for money, but I never work for nothing. (Working Pro Bono is not the same as working for nothing.)


Should we aspire to a society where everybody is equal? Should we strive for a society where everybody is paid the same; where nobody is wealthy and nobody is poor?


That's one option, I suppose.


A couple of days ago, in another thread, I wrote about a lady who was offered a house move (15 miles away) and a job. She declined the offer. That's her choice - she will still get her benefits - and although I wasn't amused, that doesn't matter either.


If she can do that (and she can) then should everybody do that?


I met a highly-skilled, highly-paid person yesterday. (Actually, I'd met him a week earlier when we were talking about what he was going to do to me.) - Yesterday I met him and he was wearing a mask (but he's not the Lone Ranger.)


He had a busy day yesterday. He had 'office hours' from 08:30 to 12:00, then he drove to another town 45 miles away and started surgery. He finished on me at about 17:00 and called in to see me before he went home (45 miles back again) at 19:00. Long day.


If he was like the lady who couldn't be bothered to take a job, wasn't prepared to work for a living and certainly wasn'teven prepared to travel 15 miles, I would have been poorly placed. I would still be waiting (but the guy he worked on first would be in a box.) - Provided somebody could be bothered to make the box.


When people talk about 'equality' it seldom seems to mean moving the standards to the highest level; indeed, it usually means moving them to the lowest.


If you want a society where everybody is equal, where everybody is paid the same, where nobody is allowed to be richer or poorer than anybody else, how are you going to run it?


If an individual can leave school at 16, practically unable to read and write and can go into a job which pays the same as every other job, why should somebody else bother to stay on at school (and work hard) to get 'A' levels, go to university (and work hard) to get a medical degree, do Specialty training (and work very long hours) and then work for the same pay as a florist? (I've nothing against florists per se and I've no doubt most of them can both read and write - but although florist is easier to spell, I think I'm still glad I opted to have a cardiologist work on me.)


In an 'everybody is equal' world there might not have been one of those available. The florist would've been able to supply flowers, though, so it would've been OK in the end.



Bank robbers do have to be well trained and highly skilled nowadays, that is why the pay is good.:cool:

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'The running dogs of the capitalist Hyena', I always loved that quote from Chairman Mao, when he talked about the West.:hihi:

By God there are many of them on here today. :P

Did he say that before or after he allowed 50-70 millions of 'ordinary' people to die in pursuit of his communist ideals? :suspect:
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Did he say that before or after he allowed 50-70 millions of 'ordinary' people to die in pursuit of his communist ideals? :suspect:


They did not die in the name of communism. I really do wish that people would STOP pretending that this thread is about communism. It is NOT about communism at all. It is about making opportunities more equal for all classes. It would rid so many evils if we could do that without embracing communism.

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Professional Footballers and their wives are working class people in the main.

They are using their talents to obtain as much brass as they can.


Interesting. I'm aware of what the footballers do to make money.


What talents do their wives use and how much do they make, on average?

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... this thread is about communism. It is NOT about communism at all. It is about making opportunities more equal for all classes...


Which classes are taught in free schools in the UK nowadays? Are some children denied the right to go to school? Are some children denied the right to work hard? Are some children required to bunk off?

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I've enjoyed this thread, it's been illuminating and very funny in unequal measure. There may be a few capitalist hyena running dogs, arty, but there are also some idiotspeople talking like soft Clem. Remember him? ;)


@Rupert, although I agree with most of what you say, there will always be people who value education and knowledge for their own sake, and for the satisfaction it brings to them, not just because it enables them to get a better standard of living.


I'd guess that the cardiologist would be doing his job and putting in the hours, even if Maj and his ilk were standing by to rob him of his just desserts to pass on to some idle no-hoper sitting around in his free house, just because he's that kind of man.


After all, it's pretty much what's happening now in this country. Don't reward the meritorious, but take as much from them as you can, and give it to the undeserving. Just in the interests of 'being fair', of course. :help:



OK. I will say what I believe. The royal family should be abolished. It would be the first huge step towards equality. It is not envy at all. It would show people who are born less fortunate that steps forward are being taken to introduce more equality into peoples lives.It would be SEEN TO BE FAIRER! That is soooooo very important now!


What I fear, more probably KNOW will happen is that the poor will be made to suffer many years hardship and the rich will get richer. Unfortunately , most people here appear to like it that way.

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Interesting. I'm aware of what the footballers do to make money.


What talents do their wives use and how much do they make, on average?


You seem privy to this info, so tell us.


You know what footballers do?

And what is that?


BTW, Why did the chicken cross the road?


According to FIFA that chicken never crossed the road at all. ;)

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