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Why do some people never grow out of being a socialist?

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There's a famous quote that goes something like "The man who is not a socialist at twenty has no heart, but if he is still a socialist at forty he has no head."


Many people would agree with this, because as you get older and wiser your politics naturally move from the left to the right, yet it's surprising how many people on internet forums like this one still haven't grown out of holding left wing views. What's wrong with these people and why haven't they matured like the rest of us?

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You mean why haven't they also become cynical, greedy, selfish and jaded? Why do they still believe in equality for all and sharing wealth? I guess they've just had better life experiences than you...


I believe in total equality, this means everyone has to work for their wages!


it means I don't have to pay for other peoples kids, tvs and houses when I can't afford my own.

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There's a famous quote that goes something like "The man who is not a socialist at twenty has no heart, but if he is still a socialist at forty he has no head."


Many people would agree with this, because as you get older and wiser your politics naturally move from the left to the right, yet it's surprising how many people on internet forums like this one still haven't grown out of holding left wing views. What's wrong with these people and why haven't they matured like the rest of us?

Its a true saying as well. As I grow older I become more liberal and accepting and tolerant but some of my political views are fairly right wing. Expecially with regard to financial wealth of the country and governemtn intervention and stuff like that.
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You mean why haven't they also become cynical, greedy, selfish and jaded? Why do they still believe in equality for all and sharing wealth? I guess they've just had better life experiences than you...


Socialism isn't about 'equality for all and sharing wealth' :hihi::hihi: it's about: 'What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own. - Keep your hands off!'

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You mean why haven't they also become cynical, greedy, selfish and jaded? Why do they still believe in equality for all and sharing wealth? I guess they've just had better life experiences than you...
Theres nothing greedy, selfish or jaded about expecting people to take responsibility for themselves
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There's a famous quote that goes something like "The man who is not a socialist at twenty has no heart, but if he is still a socialist at forty he has no head."


Many people would agree with this, because as you get older and wiser your politics naturally move from the left to the right, yet it's surprising how many people on internet forums like this one still haven't grown out of holding left wing views. What's wrong with these people and why haven't they matured like the rest of us?


Maybe they're just younger than you :confused:

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You mean why haven't they also become cynical, greedy, selfish and jaded? Why do they still believe in equality for all and sharing wealth? I guess they've just had better life experiences than you...


I think it's more to do with the fact that socialism sounds great in theory but has never worked in the real world, nor can it ever due to man's inherently greedy nature.


Look at the last Labour government, to a man they were all socialists at university but look at what corrupt, dishonest, greedy fat cats they became as soon as they got into power!

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About 8 years ago, I briefly knew of a socialist who was pushing 40 at the time and was swindling incapacity benefits, shoplifting, preaching about his views but not really living up to them and generally being a <removed> to everyone around him. Needless to say, I didn't know him for very long.


I would hope that all 40-year-old socialists are not like him.

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I believe in total equality, this means everyone has to work for their wages!


Socialism is an economy based ideology and the aim of it is to have everybody who can work in work. However, our economy is flawed and prone to boom and bust. Boom= job creation, bust= job losses. It's not the fault of the workers or potential workers that this happens, it's down to the fact that our economic model is rubbish. Socialism at least provides for the workers when this model regularly goes caplooey.


We don't have these debates when the economy is booming, only during recessions when the lucky go into stingey mode and don't want to help those that have been less lucky. Once we re-enter some economic boom bubble again you'll all be able to relax once more. You'll be able to get back to the business of trying to make yourselves richer and ignore the fact that this is a better time to catch benefit thieves because at this point resources aren't overstretched and most people are in work thus providing taxes to pay for it.

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