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Restrict child benefit to co-habiting couples only

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BUT they'd know the guys name.


huh? whats knowing the father name got to do with ACCIDENTLY getting pregnant while using contraception??????


i was replying to someone saying you cant ACCIDENTLY get pregnant


i replyed to say yes you can:loopy::loopy::loopy:

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BUT they'd know the guys name.


so people only use contraception with people they know and not one night stands?


even tarts (can't use the word im thinking of!) can be on the pill you know or have a condom split on them!

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so people only use contraception with people they know and not one night stands?


even tarts (can't use the word im thinking of!) can be on the pill you know or have a condom split on them!


Yep morning after pill is readily available - IF they're concerned. Failing that they don't have to have the child.

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Yep morning after pill is readily available - IF they're concerned. Failing that they don't have to have the child.


What a crock of poop! how would a women know that the injection, implant, pill, mini pill, or combined pill was ineffective as early as the following day?


even a split condom could be something she was unaware of a tiny pin hole renders them ineffective but yet to the eye looks no different.


the morning after pill is something that can make people pretty unwell and lets face it there plenty out there dropping there knickers every weekend whilst on one of the above contraception, meaning they have done things responsably. i suppose your next thought will be if they did fall pregnant accidently they should have a abortion?!?

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Just to bring this back on topic - no way have the government said they would restrict child benefit (which is non-means tested) to co-habiting parents only. It has been suggested it stops at 13, or is taxed when paid to the better off.


With regard to the OP - Frank Field made a speech saying he wants the obsession of pushing single mothers back to work to stop, and more responsibility to be put on absent fathers. (I know there are single dads, but the majority of people bringing up children on their own are the mums.)


The OP was worded in a provocative way, but I've seen nothing to suggest thats on any political agenda. From the BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/politics/10455114.stm

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hmmmmmmmmmm???? isnt there?


so what about the ladys on the pill, implant, injection, if they fall pregnant on these isnt it an accident?


id say so, as every one has sex, including yourself


It's still not an accident because that person has still chosen to have sex and so has chosen to expose themselves to the possibility of ending up pregnant. I'm sure everyone must know that contraception is not 100% effective, it was certainly taught to death when I was at school so I imagine it still is.


Some women will have a sexual relationship with a complete (can't post the word!), get pregnant then whine when he disappears, and it's kind of like, well you put yourself in his bed. Maybe some women should be a little more choosy!


I don't think more emphasis should be put on fathers because ultimately women are responsible for their own bodies and make their own choices.


If I ended up pregnant by some randomer who wasn't interested, I would class that as being my fault not his.

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It's still not an accident because that person has still chosen to have sex and so has chosen to expose themselves to the possibility of ending up pregnant. I'm sure everyone must know that contraception is not 100% effective, it was certainly taught to death when I was at school so I imagine it still is.


Some women will have a sexual relationship with a complete (can't post the word!), get pregnant then whine when he disappears, and it's kind of like, well you put yourself in his bed. Maybe some women should be a little more choosy!


I don't think more emphasis should be put on fathers because ultimately women are responsible for their own bodies and make their own choices.


If I ended up pregnant by some randomer who wasn't interested, I would class that as being my fault not his.


I guess it takes 2 to tango so 2 should take personal responsibility, but I do agree that British working class males need to take personal responsibility for their offspring rather than expecting the taxpayer to foot the bill.

I am just wondering though how it would work in practice if the woman was drunk and couldnt remember what happened on the night in question:huh:

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It's still not an accident because that person has still chosen to have sex and so has chosen to expose themselves to the possibility of ending up pregnant.



everything in life is a risk,

should we not eat incase a food intolerance has developed

should we not drive incase we end up in a road traffic accident,

should we not cross the road incase we get hit by a bus

should we not use the cash point incase someone see's and mug's us

should we not have protected sex as we might be the 1.4% or so where it fails


seeing the pattern?


its all very well judging other people and there situation but lifes what happens whilst your making plans for most people things do not always go the way they intended things to go but they make the most of it and get on with it.

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so people only use contraception with people they know and not one night stands?


even tarts (can't use the word im thinking of!) can be on the pill you know or have a condom split on them!



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Yep morning after pill is readily available - IF they're concerned. Failing that they don't have to have the child.


its so plain to see you dont know nothing, the morning after pill is not 100 percent gona work, each day that passes the percent it worked decreases..............stop thinking you know it all and do some research first.....


so lets say the normal contraception fails on a friday after the docs have closed, you have 72 hours to get it and use it in time


its also a bank holiday, so gp or chemist isnt open monday you wait until tuesday.......your 72 hours were up the night before, so whats that piont in seeeing the docs now, OOPS TOO LATE,


not everything is so black and white, so stop thinking you have all the answers, you dont know naff all


and to say they dont have to have the child???? ok they abort, and why to save the goverment £20.20 per week, if they want to keep the child then why the hell not????? nothing to do with anyone else


another way of not keeping the child is adoption, so ok they give the child up, it was still get child benefits who ever it lives with........


my god what give you or anyone else the right to decide what someone should do if they accidently become pregnant

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