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Why are low earners etc bad @ budgeting etc

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One of the times i had purchased a house which had one and i wanted it removed.


No credit check no deposit etc


well when I had one removed I had to have a credit check. This was about 3 years ago.


Anyway Im not sure that advising the people who you deem as not been able to budget to go out and get their pre-payment meter changed to a credit one and possibly getting into further debt.

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I think you are trolling aren't you?!


And you are also wrong!..........


I used to work in a bank, on the high value mortgage section & most of the applications were for mega rich people & more than 60% of these people were in a lot of debt. It's not only the poor council estate people who don't know how to manage their finances. It's also the snotty nosed born with silver spoons in their mouths, end up working for daddy (who was brought up on a council estate), types of people who have never had to manage their money in the past who find them selves in financial danger! I may be being presumptious, but I think you might be one of these people! :hihi:


Excellent post.

The 30 bob salads who are up to their necks in debt trying to keep an image up.

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I know of folk on prepay utility and they have a decent income. They do like to spend and enjoy there money and feel they do not want to be hit with a massive bill.


They did use to pay X amount per week towards the final quarter but that is fine if you pay exactly what you use. If you dont pay for what you use then your still hit with a bill.


Yes you pay a little more for prepay but you never have that worry at the end of the month.


each to there own i say


And you will also find that alot of the council estates will have there branded clothes, trainers etc for a fraction of the cost.


buy cheap nike or cheap no name, I know what i would wear.

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Wouldn't a a solution to this be to pay benefits in the form of vouchers, which can only be used to pay for essentials such as food, rent and gas/electric? However poor council estate dwellers claim to be they can always find the money for booze, fags and weed!

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And how does she buy her gas / electric......?


I am not saying this applies to everyone on council estates etc but it is very common.


I will tell you why it seems to apply more to council housing estates (and it does)

It's because if you can't manage your finances when you own your own house they take it off you, and the council then has to bale you out with a council house/flat.

I own my own house - How many times have I heard that said by people who are trying to put us council tenants down - What they mean to say is " I'm 150K in debt" or whatever their mortgage is. As for being UN- educated,UN-skilled, I did a 5 year apprenticeship as a Carpenter. have various city & guilds certificates including HNC. I can cook, play chess & tiddly winks. & I can manage my finances.

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there is nothing wrong living on a council estate! where do you live then in the country side? theres no need to be so insulting to people on benifits or working and living on a council estate.


Unfortunately there is every reason for the OP to be insulting. There seems to be a positive correlation between being offensive and having reactionary opinions.

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Wouldn't a a solution to this be to pay benefits in the form of vouchers, which can only be used to pay for essentials such as food, rent and gas/electric? However poor council estate dwellers claim to be they can always find the money for booze, fags and weed!


They might stock up when working, or receive said items in kind.


Vouchers would be good though, although it would mean giving them more, what vouchers would you give..

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They shouldnt be buying such things when they cant afford it.


I suppose you could say that about everyone.


People going to university, getting a mortgage, contract phones, purchasing on credit cards.


How dare they get an education, house/flat, mobile and food for crying out loud!

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