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Why are low earners etc bad @ budgeting etc

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Although i have mentioned this on a seperate thread thought id start a seperate thread...


So why is is that people who are low earners,on benefits or live on depressed council estates find it hard to manage thier finances.


For example they spend a higher % of thier disposable income on non essential branded goods. (ie "nike" trainers). When a cheaper non branded alternative will do. Are parents that obsessed with how thier kids look?.


They also seem to be the sort of people to buy more processed food (has no one taught them to cook). If they learned to cook then they wouldnt spend so much money on poor food.


These people are the ones who then whinge that they owe lots of money to door step lenders.


Money management on a tight budget isnt that hard. It should be something people learn before they drop thier first chavie.


Proves they get too much money doesn't it.


Oh and to the person who made the comment above this one, I agree with you.


Vouchers that can't be spent on alcohol, and have names on so they cant be sold for cash.


Would have thought the Conservatives would have brought something like this in.

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Well for starters she would save a lot of money by not having a prepayment meter.

Simply transfer money to her elec/gas account online every week when she gets her benefits.




not simples though if you move into a property that has pre-payment installed the energy companys can be very reluctant to remove them with out a chage being incured, plus she may of in the past falling behind with a bill so had pre-payment forced upon here as means of collecting past debt as well as a current supply.

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Wouldn't a a solution to this be to pay benefits in the form of vouchers, which can only be used to pay for essentials such as food, rent and gas/electric? However poor council estate dwellers claim to be they can always find the money for booze, fags and weed!


So can all the snobby brats who are spending daddies home owner loan on coke & smack! Why do you seem to think that the dregs of society’s are all living on council estates? There are good wholesome people who come from these places you know! Myself included!

What about the owner of toys are us? He stole £3.5 million from the company & spent it on hookers, holidays & fast cars!

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I think budgeting and how to run a home should be taught in secondary school. Like the old 'home economics', giving young people of all backgrounds life skills like how to cook, clean and manage their money successfully.

A lot of young people will have little idea how to look after themselves after they leave the parental home.


surely this is the fault of the parents for not teaching them then, my 9 year old knows how to cook several different meals (shes always helping me), she also budgets her own pocket money so she can get her fortnight magazine some sweets and an item of clothing, and she has chores round the house teaching her how to look after a home,


surely we send our kids to school for education not basics that should naturally be learnt from mum and dad.

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surely this is the fault of the parents for not teaching them then, my 9 year old knows how to cook several different meals (shes always helping me), she also budgets her own pocket money so she can get her fortnight magazine some sweets and an item of clothing, and she has chores round the house teaching her how to look after a home,


surely we send our kids to school for education not basics that should naturally be learnt from mum and dad.

My bold


True - but, unfortunately, not all parents have the requisite skills to pass onto their chidren.


I think basic cooking, DIY, money-sense, budgeting, etc, should be taught in schools, so at least the next generation will have a bit of a clue.


And I'm sure there are many middle-class people who are incapable of managing their money, and who run up enormous overdrafts and credit card bills, take on mortgages they can't possibly afford, etc, so I don't know why the OP is picking on low earners.

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How can someone be rich if they have debt?


Someone can be seen to be wealthy, when they are actually mired in debt - the Queen Mother had the title, the stately home and all the jewels and gin she'd ever need, and she died about £7million in debt... Wealth (especially extreme wealth) can be an illusion...

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You don't have to be poor and on benefits to be absolutley rubbish with budgeting and overspending....!!!:D


Although ending up poor and not entitled to benefits are the result! :o


It depends, investment bankers seem to make a fortune despite their incompetence.

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And I'm sure there are many middle-class people who are incapable of managing their money, and who run up enormous overdrafts and credit card bills, take on mortgages they can't possibly afford, etc, so I don't know why the OP is picking on low earners.


Like Nick Leeson? he accumulated US$1.4 billion in debts.


He did get 4 years in prison for it, but accumulating the level of debt he did was pretty exceptional by any standards.

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