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Am I just being paranoid?

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Sadly, having sex with you regularly is not an indicator that a man loves you.


It might sound as though nothing is wrong, but he's making you unhappy. So something is wrong. If you've tried to make your case and you've not had a good response, how is it ever going to get any better?


It doesn't sound as though he's the right man for you. He's either emotionally unavailable or he's just not that into you. Either way, you're always going to feel bad. Better to be alone and content, than in a relationship and always feeling uncared for.


I agree, although he could just be emotionally constipated rather than emotionally unavailable, which is equally as bad, emotional intelligence is one of the keys to a successful and functional relationship, IMO. Either way, if you're finding that hard to live with and need more reassurance of his feelings, then perhaps he is not the right person for you?


Sadly, as ruby says, regular sex is not necessarily an indicator that a man loves you, in fact, it seldom is. Sometimes actions can speak louder than words, but I wouldn't measure those in the bedroom department. What does he do to make you feel loved, in terms of his actions?

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Also, yes we do still have sex - regularly!


It sounds as though nothing is wrong actually when I write it down like this, perhaps it's just me being paranoid as I said and I kind of hope that's the case and that I can chill out before things go wrong between us.


It sounds like he dos'nt love you other wise you would"d be posting on here. next time your naked in bed with him ,look him in the eyes ask him if he cares for you, if he says yes, then ask him why can't he love you .if you get a bull**** answer grab is nuts and twist then till water comes to is eyes :gag:till you get the truth it works every time .btw make sure his hands are tied to the bed pretend you wanted kinky sex or something.hope this as been some help to you pasha:)

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We men can be quite rubbish at showing our feelings. Also: Being laid back could just be a sign that he's really comfortable with where your relationship.


In my opinion, a lot of things go wrong simply because a lack of communcation leads to one or both of the people involved having to 'guess' what the other is feeling. The inevitable outcome of this is almost always to fear the worst.


Do you guys ever talk about your relationship? Is sitting down every now and again (could be every few months - doesn't have to be every week) something you are both comfortable with?


If not, then your future together could get a little confusing.


My advice to you would be to meet up with him in a neutral place (go to the park at the weekend, maybe?) and talk about how you feel. Keep it relaxed, but don't try to disguise what you're doing. Being upfront about these things is the only way. If you're stuck for how to start the conversation, I suggest you simply ask "Can I talk to you?"


If he says "No" then that's the end of the conversation and - if you want - the relationship.


If he says "Yes" then tell him how you feel. Keep it positive - the things you like about him / the relationship - the things you used to enjoy doing together - that you would very much like things to go in a certain direction in your relationship.


See how he reacts - I think that will tell you pretty much all you need to know about how he feels.


Sorry - post turned into a bit of an essay, there.




I somehow missed this post on first reading of this thread. Sage words indeed, I read that one of the reasons cited by Relate of relationship breakdown is lack/breakdown of communication, which as you say leads to second guessing, assuming the worse and inevitably a strained relationship at best or a broken one. People whom I know to have used the service and stayed together have all said that being more open and honest with one another is was saved the relationship.


Some times people are more than happy to trundle along, which is fine, but if it's causing one or both parties to feel that their needs are not being met and in this case, that it's very one sided, then it needs to be addressed.

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