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Nick Clegg - a decent man with integrity and principles

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If I ever see Mr Clegg in Sheffield, I will shake his hand and congratulate him on putting partisan politics aside for the good of the country.



Yes of course he did, now go and have a lie down.

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Does the job description include taking the party from 31% to 18% in the opinion polls in the space of 8 weeks, alienating his parliamentary party and vast swathes of his grass roots support ? Does it include waking up the whole country to the fact that some liberals are not very liberal at all and that the party features a very strong conservative element? If so even better. Well done Nick!



No they are all par for the course.

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If people do not accept my opinion without question, only they are the loser.

I am rarely wrong.


So, you make a sweeping statement on a forum..'You would not like him, I can guarantee it.'

How can you guarantee that all these people who read Sheffield Forum would not like Nick Clegg.

Oh but of course you are rarely wrong, but that means that you are not always right. No one is always right.

It is ridiculous the way that the media and some people believe they really know what people are really like, just because they have to do a job that is unpopular. No one in their positions are going to be popular all the time.

They have to take tough, hard decisions that affect the way the country is run.

You have to be a strong character to take on that kind of position in Govt and would be unable to do the job if you laid awake thinking and worrying. That doesnt meant that he isn't a decent man with integrity and principals.

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I don't see any big difference between a buy to let holiday home and a buy to let investment home. Very similar investment vehicles in many ways, and let's face it if you are an ordinary person struggling to buy just one home it all looks the same.


As for the housing market as a Labour supporter I class that as perhaps the biggest failure of their 13 years in power. To make home ownership a matter of luck and timing was unforgivable - in my mind a decent hard working family should always be able to afford a decent house and to see those opportunities taken away by investors, BTL, people who lied to get self cert mortgages etc... etc... etc... is so unfair.

The sad thing is I don't think the Tories would have done anything different. Over-inflated house prices are bad news for any economy because of the sharp correction that must inevitably come, uniquely so for the UK because of our very high levels of property ownership, and I haven't seen one mention from the Tories of them tackling the problem. Not one. In fact they seem to want to keep interest rates low which will only keep house prices on life support for longer. I hope that we do get some correction to the market but I think the Tories will fight hard to keep it inflating.


There were no self cert buy to let mortgages, self cert was in respect of residential mortgages. To obtain an offer for a buy to let mortgage the following criterea applied.


At least a 15% deposit, with proof of same.

A residential mortgage payment record.

A record of income (including other btl income, if letting property was your only sourse of income).

Three months bank statements.

Details of loans and credit card debts.

A rental income valuation of at least 125% of the interest payments.


Also the folk that were selling their little terraced houses in S10/S11 to landlords, could then afford to buy a far nicer and larger house with off road parking not that far away, for the money they received.


There is currently an acute housing shortage, builders aren't building new homes, and folk are staying put and extending, I've never seen so many extensions in progress. Greed being what it always has been, sees folk wanting top dollar for their property, but offering circa 30% less for their intended purchase, that's where the stagnation comes from.


The coalition government (that I am warming to, including Nick Clegg) have far bigger fish to fry than the housing market, but it provides jobs, the banks should be ordered to start lending again IMHO.

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So, you make a sweeping statement on a forum..'You would not like him, I can guarantee it.'

How can you guarantee that all these people who read Sheffield Forum would not like Nick Clegg.

Oh but of course you are rarely wrong, but that means that you are not always right. No one is always right.

It is ridiculous the way that the media and some people believe they really know what people are really like, just because they have to do a job that is unpopular. No one in their positions are going to be popular all the time.

They have to take tough, hard decisions that affect the way the country is run.

You have to be a strong character to take on that kind of position in Govt and would be unable to do the job if you laid awake thinking and worrying. That doesnt meant that he isn't a decent man with integrity and principals.


But he has proven that has no integrity or principles.

He is a self ambitious, charisma free, characterless, opportunist, who is a disgrace to his party, and to the very earth he sneaks about on.

He is lower than a snakes belly.

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He is lower than a snakes belly.





Ground hog day anyone.


The Liberals' decision to join the National Government in 1931 ended up being almost terminal in terms of their electoral fortunes," says the historian Dominic Sandbrook.


"Within just a few weeks the Liberals were falling out among themselves. They were punished at the polls and they virtually disappeared so that by the early 1950s, there were just five MPs left.

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There were no self cert buy to let mortgages, self cert was in respect of residential mortgages.


The coalition government (that I am warming to, including Nick Clegg) have far bigger fish to fry than the housing market, but it provides jobs, the banks should be ordered to start lending again IMHO.



Yes I know self-cert was for residentials. And it is well know that systematic lying took place, often encouraged by mortgage brokers - it is but one pillar of the over-inflating housing market story but critical to the problems we are in. Personal debt is one of the key reasons we are in so much trouble.


The housing market is one of the key things they need to tackle. The more the bubble inflates, the bigger the pop will be when it goes. And from where we are now boy when it goes it will go big stylee.

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Eh hang on, I recall you being wrong once, oh bugger it was a mistake wasn't it? :P


What are the words of that song?

'if you dont know me by now...' :hihi:


As you well know, I am very rarely right (wing) :)

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Yes I know self-cert was for residentials. And it is well know that systematic lying took place, often encouraged by mortgage brokers - it is but one pillar of the over-inflating housing market story but critical to the problems we are in. Personal debt is one of the key reasons we are in so much trouble.


The housing market is one of the key things they need to tackle. The more the bubble inflates, the bigger the pop will be when it goes. And from where we are now boy when it goes it will go big stylee.


You are quite right, I was involved in the commercial loan market but did stray into the residential side now and again. As I recall (this is going back many years) self certs were worded on the declaration ' I/we certify that I/we are able to satisfy the repayments in respect of this mortgage'. These were for self employed folk that had invoiced out and were awaiting cheques in the post, and couldn't state what any years earning would be. The ones that you are talking about asked them to state their earnings without having to provide proof. Yes some brokers were at fault but what about the lenders who designed the forms?

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