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Home made dripping

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A good hunk of proper lard is the secret, just pop it in the roasting tin with your joint of pork and cook as normal. Pour it in to a dish when roasting is done. The lard forms the white top and the meat goodness and juices form the lovely brown jelly in the bottom. Don't try using veg or any other oil as it just wont set when cool.

Best description on how to do dripping, ever. Great thread.

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Best description on how to do dripping, ever. Great thread.


Why thank you Texas !!!!


Just a quick remider to all those who talk about the unhealthy attributes of B&D. B&D was at it's most popular several decades ago when families just could not afford to live like we do nowadays for example the post war years of rationing etc..etc... now I will admit, it would be an unhealthy addition alongside todays diets of KFC, pizza's, fish and chips and Maccy D's etc, but sometimes it was all the mother of the house had to give her kids when they came home from a day at school - I know for a fact that that was the case in my Dad's house when he was growing up in the 30's and 40's with six other siblings. I think that puts a whole different angle on it - does it not?

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Why thank you Texas !!!!


Just a quick remider to all those who talk about the unhealthy attributes of B&D. B&D was at it's most popular several decades ago when families just could not afford to live like we do nowadays for example the post war years of rationing etc..etc... now I will admit, it would be an unhealthy addition alongside todays diets of KFC, :gag:pizza's, fish and chips and Maccy D's etc, but sometimes it was all the mother of the house had to give her kids when they came home from a day at school - I know for a fact that that was the case in my Dad's house when he was growing up in the 30's and 40's with six other siblings. I think that puts a whole different angle on it - does it not?


I think we ate less fat then than we do now, it wasn't disguised in processed foods to the extent it is now and we tended not to eat as much processed food then anyway, meals were usually prepared from scratch and had the advantage of being cheaper. Remember tub butter? Basically it was Lurpack in bulk, you asked for half a pound to be carved off and it was wrapped in greaseproof paper, we thought pre-packed butter was a bit posh and expensive. Then there was all this margarine rubbish making an appearance:gag:

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I think we ate less fat then than we do now, it wasn't disguised in processed foods to the extent it is now and we tended not to eat as much processed food then anyway, meals were usually prepared from scratch and had the advantage of being cheaper. Remember tub butter? Basically it was Lurpack in bulk, you asked for half a pound to be carved off and it was wrapped in greaseproof paper, we thought pre-packed butter was a bit posh and expensive. Then there was all this margarine rubbish making an appearance:gag:


Too true. When mum was at home it was usually home made stuff from scratch, lot of fatty stuff but basically home made good stuff. Now it is a lot of processed food which contains more fat, salt and additives than ever before. I love bread and dripping, don't have it often but by gum it's good stuff!:love:

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Too true. When mum was at home it was usually home made stuff from scratch, lot of fatty stuff but basically home made good stuff. Now it is a lot of processed food which contains more fat, salt and additives than ever before. I love bread and dripping, don't have it often but by gum it's good stuff!:love:


Bread & drippin sandwiches with a bit of salt :love: we had the same grey drippin jar for years.

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Bread & drippin sandwiches with a bit of salt :love: we had the same grey drippin jar for years.


God yeah, forgot the salt, that is essential, and it has to be on white bread. Yuuuuuummmmmmmmy.:love: That jelly stuff on the bottom is the food of Gods!

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  • 7 years later...
Much prefer beef dripping, white plastic bread, spread top of dripping on then add some gravy gunge from the bottom. Salt and pepper then whack it in thi gob. Repeat until entire loaf has gone, follow up with a mug of tea.

Naw, it's got to be on toast done over coal fire

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