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Anyone remember making wooden trolleys?

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If you had any cred you only used the string for steering if you had a passenger, otherwise you went solo bellyflop and used the string for pulling your trolley back up the hill. Used to feel very daring careering down a steep road, eyes watering, brakes? pah, that was for whimps. It was the nearest thing to being a fighter pilot.

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Our dad made us one many years ago:hihi: and dare I say it it was a transformer ;) ( Not the robot type) :hihi:

In summer it had wheels and when the snow came undo a few bolts and take the wheels off it beceme a slegde having runners beneath:hihi:

The best of both worlds:thumbsup:

Edited by denlin
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blast from the past, omg... how im still alive i dont know... :hihi: i had one for years as a kid, my best mates john - david and my brother all helped to build it, we had 2 big pram wheels on the front, 2 20" bike wheels at the back, it was huge, i can remember it havin 2 seats one goin fwd the other backwards so you could take turns pushing it with ya feet while sittin down... :cool:


childhood days... now its all health and safety:rolleyes:


used to go down Mansel.towards Chaucer,never thought we'd stop,never liked the walk back up,

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We used to make them regularly round Champs hill, Nick some big pram wheels for the back and small ones for the front, then scrounge some wood for the chassis. Get dads hammer and nails. Bend the nails over the axles to hold them on, we didn't have the luxury of a drill, so it was get the poker in the fire till it was red hot. Then we had to burn a hole for the steering bolt to go through, arr the smell of mothers best sideboard going up in flames, well the back panel any way. just for the thrill of bombing down Brunswick Road or Spital Hill, good job she never found out, we wouldn't have been able to sit down for a week. Fabulous days, never to be seen again.

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Those big wheels for the back of the trolley were highly treasured. Nice bit of carpet for a seat, bit of washing line for steering... ;)

......Axle attached with bent over nails - as soon as you hit a curb, off it came - time for a service and repair :D

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Brings back a lot of memories I used to have one and it had 5 trailers attached to it until I went round a corner too fast one day it was like a snake swinging side to side. The back whipped round onto the road and the back wheels of a bus ran over it and sqashed it to bits, I thought I was lucky cos the driver never stopped but it shocked me and I got rid of the trailers after that. All nails no screws in them days It was hard work trying to get the wood now it wouldn't be a problem look in a builders skip and you can get loads of new stuff.

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