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Anyone remember making wooden trolleys?

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......Axle attached with bent over nails - as soon as you hit a curb, off it came - time for a service and repair :D


:D:D:D Brilliant, you got it in one, I had forgot about the wheels coming off and trying to find the nail or a new one + the pivot bolt coming off, that led to some nasty pile ups what with legs trapped and skin ripped off! It was a valuable engineering apprenticeship, all the lads were expert at that sort of thing, they had to be as there was no other way round it but to fix it yourself.

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Brings back a lot of memories I used to have one and it had 5 trailers attached to it until I went round a corner too fast one day it was like a snake swinging side to side. The back whipped round onto the road and the back wheels of a bus ran over it and sqashed it to bits, I thought I was lucky cos the driver never stopped but it shocked me and I got rid of the trailers after that. All nails no screws in them days It was hard work trying to get the wood now it wouldn't be a problem look in a builders skip and you can get loads of new stuff.


The hardest thing was getting the bolts for the steering........

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  • 7 years later...
I built one of those when I was about 12, so 16 years ago. It set of a fashion of building them. I built my own, everyone else got their dads to do it. Mine was still by far the best.


9inch nails for axles, sawn off broom for the pivot on the steering, four pram wheels for - er, wheels - and a lump of wood handbrake.




Handbrake,,,,,,,,,,,coward,,,,,what's wrong with the heel of your shoe lol

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