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GUANTANAMO prison torture terrorism

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No it isn't. It's illegal, it's immoral and it's repellent to decent people everywhere. The notion of torturing the truth out of people is a myth perpetuated by the media.

If we, a civilised nation condone or indulge in torture than we lower our standards to the level of the alleged terrorists we're detaining.

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If we don't have standards why are we bothering to fight? There's nothing worth defending.
nothing worth defending ? how about freedom ,the choice of having a vote ,of education for all,of decent living wages ,of just bieng able to have a voice in how the country is run ,of bieng able to see children dance to music and all the other freedoms the west brings ?


i think we have plenty worth defending,and i think those in afganistan deserve the very same freedom at any cost to a terrorist and their forces



can you honestly sit there and say that if by causing one man enough pain you could save a school full of children,or a market full of people from bieng blown up ?one man compared to hundreds ? it doesnt even begin to make sense, there could be no question of what the end result would be

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This amuses you because?
lifes a bitch but in your poppycock world these things dont happen. man up for gods sake and live in the real world :loopy:you say your a one parent family ?if someone had a hold of your child against their will and you knew this would you be offering tea and ice cream or would the baseball bat come out ?stop being a drama queen with your higher than thee morality :hihi:
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what's your view? i would love to ear it. is torture justified and if so why.. or if not why.... i think it is? do you



people the world over get tortured and we in the west are no different...just imagine you've seen your friends blown to bits by roadside bombs...do you really think those detained are going to get an easy ride....the brits are experts at learning detainees the art of surfing....i say export them to china...those chinese are premier league in the art of torture....can we send huntley and whiting to try out their methods...

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what's your view? i would love to ear it. is torture justified and if so why.. or if not why.... i think it is? do you
So in your view its justifiable that should the enemy capture an average british squaddie then its fine for them to torture him? Its justifiable?
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I think that when the information that is need to be extracted could be used to prevent massive loss of life, whatever is necessary can be done. Suspects who have potential information cannot be allowed to sit there quiet in the knowledge they will still have a warm bed and a hot meal no matter what they do....


Of course fingernail pulling and other techniques are out....but Binyam Mohammed(sorry on spelling)certainly looks like he has come through his "torture" without any permanent harm.

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I think that when the information that is need to be extracted could be used to prevent massive loss of life, whatever is necessary can be done. Suspects who have potential information cannot be allowed to sit there quiet in the knowledge they will still have a warm bed and a hot meal no matter what they do....


Of course fingernail pulling and other techniques are out....but Binyam Mohammed(sorry on spelling)certainly looks like he has come through his "torture" without any permanent harm.


Absolutely. All the bleeding heart beardies with their endless "human rights" twaddle would soon change their minds if it were they or their families at stake.

Imo terrorists, by their very activities, forego the right to such niceties anyway.

Let the liberal dimwits stick their heads back in the sand while the real world goes on around them.

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nothing worth defending ? how about freedom ,the choice of having a vote ,of education for all,of decent living wages ,of just bieng able to have a voice in how the country is run ,of bieng able to see children dance to music and all the other freedoms the west brings ?


i think we have plenty worth defending,and i think those in afganistan deserve the very same freedom at any cost to a terrorist and their forces



can you honestly sit there and say that if by causing one man enough pain you could save a school full of children,or a market full of people from bieng blown up ?one man compared to hundreds ? it doesnt even begin to make sense, there could be no question of what the end result would be


Try making two lists. One of the rights and freedoms you have lost to terrorists. One of rights and freedoms you have lost to the government while we fight this war on terror

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