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GUANTANAMO prison torture terrorism

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Re my bold.


Is it ok for me to keep my clothes on please?...it's not a pretty sight at my age.


As for the rest of your reply...it's pretty much as I expected. We're just going to have to agree to disagree. :)


Alright chief. Thanks for reading.

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Japanese torture in WW2? Immoral. It was for an immoral cause....to gain territory and impose Japanese rule in areas outside of Japan.

A war crime is not linked to imperialism. They are two seperate things. Their imperialism clashed with our empire (and America) and there was fighting. Their brutal treatment of POWs was intolerable because it is an awful act. It was an awful act in Japan, and now it is an awful act in Guantanamo.


What do you do? What do you do?


A) Give him a cup of tea and a biscuit and ask him nicely what the code to disarm the bomb is.

B) Leave him and wait for him to decide to talk.

C) Show him the urgency of the situation to cooperate, one way to do this could be a practice that will give him the impression he is going to drown if he doesn't talk. He isn't really in much danger of death.

To sincerely answer, i don't know. It is a moral conundrum. If you could put the caveat in C that torture will produce the truth then maybe i would consider it. I don't think it's possible so i'm left with A or B.


I'd make him a cup of tea but not let him have the biscuit. I'm evil like that.

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A war crime is not linked to imperialism. They are two seperate things. Their imperialism clashed with our empire (and America) and there was fighting. Their brutal treatment of POWs was intolerable because it is an awful act. It was an awful act in Japan, and now it is an awful act in Guantanamo.



To sincerely answer, i don't know. It is a moral conundrum. If you could put the caveat in C that torture will produce the truth then maybe i would consider it. Sadly, i don't think it's possible so i'm left with A or B.


I'd make him a cup of tea but not let him have the biscuit. I'm evil like that.


I personally see a big difference between the Allies or others that were being tortured by the Japanese, and the people interned @ Guantanamo. Don't think I could be swayed on this one.


As for the scenarios....the resistance to option C may well have meant that the school and the kids in it had no chance. I can't be persuaded that it was not worth a try.


To quote another film:


The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.

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... brutal treatment of POWs was intolerable because it is an awful act. It was an awful act in Japan, and now it is an awful act in Guantanamo...


The People held in Guantanamo were not classed as Prisoners of War.


Had they been so classed, then given that the 'War on Turr' has not yet ended, no doubt they would all still be there.

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I am in that view, although bare in mind for torture not terror, if the end result gives information that helps stamp out "them", or stops their evil deeds.


So is someone joining MI5 to work going to work for a terror group? I think not.....Is someone who has links to Al Queda a terrorist? I think so. You not agree?


You question may well get different answers if you ask a civilian Westerner and Afghani; or a combatant from either realm

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lifes a bitch but in your poppycock world these things dont happen.


I've never pretended it doesn't happen, dimwit - I've said it's wrong.


man up for gods sake and live in the real world


'Man up'? Since when has inflicting extreme pain on others when they can't defend themselves been manly?

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You question may well get different answers if you ask a civilian Westerner and Afghani; or a combatant from either realm


I can see that, but imagine looking at it from a completely impartial point of view. Look at the right and wrongs of both and decide who is doing good or bad.

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Aren't all these arguments about 'what if they had a bomb in a city centre and only they knew the code' kind of pointless.


I mean, that only ever happens in '24', in real life isn't torture mostly used to extract confessions?

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