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Ludicrous laws for the chop.

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1980 Employment Act

1982 Employment Act

Trade Union Act 1984

Employment Act 1988



Alternatively rather than repeal a Trade Union Freedom Bill, would simplify balloting procedures, reintroduce a right to strike and bring our laws in line with those internationally that are relied upon by trade unionists across the world to defend workers against the brutality of the corporate requirement to maximise profit at any cost.



So you don't believe in a ballot before strike action. I take it you are not a democrat or believe in democracy?.....Do you just believe in rule of mob / bully/ thuggery?

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Why would you want to repeal an act that gave union members the right to a secret ballot, unless you'd want to go back to the bad old days when militant members could intimidate and nobble other members to swing the vote?


The act has been repealed anyway, I shouldn't have listed it. :hihi:

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So you don't believe in a ballot before strike action. I take it you are not a democrat or believe in democracy?.....Do you just believe in rule of mob / bully/ thuggery?


Not sure how you go from one to another.


In the case of workers facing a lock out, like at Gate Gourmet. Do you think they really need a secret strike ballot to make the dispute a legal strike?


I don't think so. The employer has effectively created the dispute themselves and they should suffer the immediate consequences not force the workers in to a situation where they can only protest without legal protcetion whilst they wait for a ballot to be organised.

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When I vote for someone, and they get elected, I do not want to have follow them around, telling them what to do.

Their terms of reference are laid out pre election, that is what we vote for.



all previous governments introduced countless stupid laws and regulations, the coalition is aware of the big ones like identity card but wont necessarily be aware of the smaller ones, by asking people which are the stupid laws which affect your life then they can concentrate their efforts in repealing or ammending them rather than just picking a random bunch and hoping for the best.

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Guest sibon
Im loving it, its like being in a democracy or something:clap:


we are their employers, I know its an alien concept but they should listen to us!


The problem with trying to listen to 60 million people is that they will get 60 million ideas.


The best thing that they could do is to get on with implementing their manifestos. I might email Nick and suggest just that.:D

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The problem with trying to listen to 60 million people is that they will get 60 million ideas.


The best thing that they could do is to get on with implementing their manifestos. I might email Nick and suggest just that.:D


they will probably ignore most of whats posted

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Guest sibon
they will probably ignore most of whats posted


That is what I am getting at.


It would be better if they quit the gimmicks and got on with governing.

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