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Carwood Rd area Pitsmoor.

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I can remember Mr. gunstones horses. A brown one called Margaret and a greyish one called Wendy. He used to give rides to us kids on Margaret as Wendy was a bit bad tempered. I lived down lane (Carwood Crescent) in the early 50s before moving to a new council house. Can anyone remember a factory catching fire on the field at the bottom of the lane?


He used to keep them on the cricket field ( kept the grass down), the grey one bit me right on the chin.I lived on Carwood Terrace,and once went to the market on his horse (brown one) and dray,don't think I'd like to do that in todays traffic. Could you be thinking about Bramalls melting shop, it was always catching fire, usually it was the auxillary fire brigade (green fire engines) that attended.The factory built just behind the Cresent on Petre St was a fabrication shop, think it was Crossleys, could be wrong. You must have known Malcolm Shepherd,or his older brother, maybe Dave Simmonite.

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I can't remember Malcom Shepherd but the name rings a bell. I was born in Carwood Crescent and was 7 when we moved. My mum can remember Mrs Shepherd. I can remember an ice cream van with big mudguards and the ice cream mam used to let the kids ride on them to the top of the lane ( no elf and safety in them days)!! I can also remember bring dressed up in red, white and blue and standing outside the Hallcar Tavern, ready for a street party to celebrate the Coronation. The kids I used to play with we're Colin Sampson, Malcom Goode and Philip Chamberlain. My auntie and cousins and grandma used to live on Carwood Crescent. I used to be taken to Livesys shop for my weekly sweet ration ( a penguin) and Used to queue up with my mum outside Billy Limbs shop for the meat.

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  • 5 months later...
He used to keep them on the cricket field ( kept the grass down), the grey one bit me right on the chin.I lived on Carwood Terrace,and once went to the market on his horse (brown one) and dray,don't think I'd like to do that in todays traffic. Could you be thinking about Bramalls melting shop, it was always catching fire, usually it was the auxillary fire brigade (green fire engines) that attended.The factory built just behind the Cresent on Petre St was a fabrication shop, think it was Crossleys, could be wrong. You must have known Malcolm Shepherd,or his older brother, maybe Dave Simmonite.


I used to hang around with some of the crescent kids as a lad. Don't think Malc Shepherd had an older brother. A sister called Sylvia yes, and I think their mothers name was 'Emmie'? who used to work with my mother and Mike Kitson's and a few more mothers at Kirk's cutlers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

my mother growup round pitsmoor and her aunt and uncle were roy and elsie who ran the shop on round of peter strret and carwood rd do any one hav any pictures of peter street as i cant find any online i can just remember goin to their shop


---------- Post added 01-01-2015 at 14:57 ----------


We lived in the corner yard of Carwood and Petre St where the butchers was from 65 to 70, our next door neighbour was Mrs Lillis, the family on the otherside of the passage was called Wilson [Allan] he married the daughter of a coalman who lived on Canada St, but I don't know whether Allan came from that area.

The Hallcar was a good watering hole in those days, I met a couple here in Oz who lived around the corner from us called Sheila and Dennis, but I didn't know them there, although I used to see him in the Corner Pin when we both worked at Firth Browns.

The family who lived at the bottom house on Carwood took over the corner shop opposite them, and their eldest son neil married and stayed in the family house, can't remember their surname.

Roy and Elsie owned the shop on the corner of Canada St at the time the house blew up on there, there eldest daughter and husband have lived 10 mins from us for the last 30 years.

Does this bring back memories ?




roy and elsie were my great aunt and uncle on my mums side can just remember goin to their shop as i small child so u have lived round corner from pauline ?

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Hi Kay, Pauline & Brian live 15 minutes from us in sunny Oz, you will find plenty of photo's of the area on pictureSheffield.com just type in Petre St or Carwood Road when you get into the site. there is a picture of Roy and Elsie's old shop on there.

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