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MPs say they're treated like 'benefit claimants'

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The new MPs expenses regime isn't proving to be very popular with our honourable representatives and they want their piggy trough back. Since having to submit claims for all their expenses they're whingeing about being treated like 'benefit claimants'.


Tough....but I doubt it will deter them from creating hundreds of thousands of real benefit claimants.

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Whats wrong with benfit claimants?

Some of them have very good reasons for being on benefits and i doubt many of them would keep their lifestyle if they had a decent job to go to.

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I can't see any difference between MPs wages and benefits, both monies come from the tax payer. That being the case MPs should be means tested before they even get one penny. If not we get the crazy situation where millionnaire Cameron gets around 200 thousand a year salary paid for by you and me. The very people is telling will have to accept less.

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