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Do you believe in inequality?

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Yet no modesty whatsoever.


I am modest when modesty is needed and i am not when it isn't. i would think that the fact that i believe there are millions of people fitter and more intelligent than me would indicate a level of modesty.

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I am not sure if I am following you right here. But just because there is no absolute scale for something doesn't make it any less real or that it is made up.

Being made up doesn't make it less real. But hopefully you agree that right and wrong are things collectively decided by people, not universal absolutes.

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I think the issue is a confused one because equality is not generally a property in itself but a state.


If you think everyone has the same rights, then you can also say you believe in equality. A political or social equality that is independent of the range of different attributes.


When people say they believe in equality it is the latter meaning they are referring to, not that everyone is the same.


Hence why I've said several times that the OP needs to be more clear in what question is being asked.


Do I believe that we should all have equal rights and expect equal treatment from the state. Yes.

Are we all equal in every way. Clearly not.

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Whether based on gender, race, creed or even intelligence. Any criteria.


Are there people on here willing to admit they believe certain types of people should be considered superior?


A controversial subject matter I know, but it's important that people feel comfortable expressing their views and I'm genuinely interested in such views.


What makes a certain group superior to another?


I believe inequality exists, so in that sense I do believe in it...


There are odd situations when people try to put themselves above others in many and varied ways, for a multitude of reasons... In the same way, some people seek to place themselves below others...


The only people who should be considered superior are those who live and let live - anyone who seeks to put others down for reasons of gender, race or faith needs to take a good long look at themselves - It's them who feel inferior, and who need to belittle someone else because of their own flaws and failings...


With regards to interlect, this is clearly a different proposition - if someone isn't very bright, then in that case they are in that way 'less' than someone who is intelligent... Nothing you can do about it, some people are a bit dim and some people are incredibly academic or savvy... It's just how life is, and with regards to the selection of employees or even friends, deciding NOT to see one as the same as the other is essential...

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This may seem like a slightly bizarre answer to some but I actually think that the one substantial thing that unites us all equally is the fact that we are alive.


Some people have pointed to the fact that greater intellect, wealth or kind heartedness makes us superior to those who are lacking, but I would argue that a stupid, poor and unkind person with a gun could easily claim superiority over any of those aspects in another human being.


The one thing we all value equally, in basic terms, is life. Anyone who looks to take this from someone is in the most powerful and superior position of all. Superiority, in this sense, can be a terrible thing.

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I'm interested in the mindset that claims superiority over certain people.


Even if it's a law abider claiming superiority over a serial child rapist. What makes someone superior simply because of the actions they take (or don't take) in life?


Do you take the view that a serial child rapist is equal to a law abiding citizen?

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Do you take the view that a serial child rapist is equal to a law abiding citizen?


He's merely asking for the reasons that lead people to decide whether or not he is. Indeed, in terms of physical strength, mental prowess or other non-rape-related issues, he may even be superior.

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Yes I believe there is inequality and I am glad there is because I do believe that if everything is equal life will be boring!




So you are saying that inequality entertains you? People can be equal and at the same time not boring...it just means they're different, we are all different despite the fact that some label.

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