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Police response to burglary

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Thank you for your support Daven.


No problem. It really annoys me when folk are so quick to criticise but slow to praise. The Police only ever seem to get bad press and yet in the majority of cases their service is exemplary. They very much deserve our support and respect - we would all be in a sad state without them. I find that those are quick to slag them off are those who have cause to be upset having been at the receiving end of the long arm of the law if you get my drift.

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I don't expect the police to be able to solve something like this, unless it's by chance - there's only so much they can do when there's no witnesses. I suspect (although I could be wrong), it's much easier to solve crimes like muggings or violence where there is the possibility of identifying the criminal. In these circumstances, I'm very appreciative of the response, which was my original point.


A further PCSO popped in at around 8pm, just to have a quick chat regarding home security, and was very helpful, pointing out where we could get additional fencing installed on the back. Alright, it's not neccesary, but it certainly made me feel better.


Also, my housemate had a quick chat with the PC who came round originally about what he was legally allowed to do if they came back (they had took some door keys) - the PC told us that we were perfectly entitled to smack them, chuck them in the cellar and then lock them in there whilst calling the police. Made me smile :)

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