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Historian regarding early Sheffield cutler JAMES RODGERS


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Sorry , but all I can tell you is something very trivial .

In the mid 1940's up to the early 1950's , I often seemed to be waiting for a bus at the old ,"open" Pond St. bus station. As you looked across , towards Sheaf Street , there was a wall of the Rogers factory , facing .

On the wall in white lettering , it said ,

" William [?] Rogers , the knife of kings and the king of knives "

That always seemed a clever slogan to a kid who'd just started to read ! It's stuck in my memory for 50 years , anyhow !

Maybe it was the official slogan ?

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Originally posted by qhun1

I've been trying to track down any history on Joseph Rogers (cutlery), but as I'm in Brisbane Australia - tracking down anything in hard copy has been real hard going! There have been many stories passed down through my father's family regarding this particular branch of the family tree and it would be nice to be able to sort the fact from the fiction!!


All help will be most welcome!!

found this on google

http://www.heinnie.com/cgi-bin/heinnie_store/web_store.cgi?page=sheffield/fr-sheffield.htm&cart_id= hope this helps



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Have a look at the posting by 'Ranchero' concerning a Joseph Rodger's Bowie knife. He was trying to gain some background history about the company and you may find some of the replies interesting.


I do hope this helps


Happy Days!

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Thank you so much guys for all your help!! And yes Lazarus I would love photos of Joseph Rodgers factory - but as I haven't yet reached my "five posts", I can't contact you directly with my email address. Guess I'll have to get "posting" real quick!!


Whatever you can dig up for me will be really appreciated!!


Regards from sunny Brisbane!!

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I am new to this forum and want to know what the rules are about advertising?


I work as a family history researcher and would be able to offer help to both originators of these merged threads in my professional capacity, but am I allowed to say so?


In the meantime it might help both of you to look at the Hallamshire Cutlers apprentice records which can be found by googling (as I haven't yet done 5 posts I am not allowed to put in the link).


Rodgers is a common name in Sheffield and there are 10 Joseph Rodgers recorded as being apprenticed and 1 James.

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  • 3 years later...

Ey Up Alistair

Just downloaded the PDF on Joseph Rogers (cutlers) from your link, thanks for that.

I started work at their Pond Street factory straight from leaving school in 1969 and used to look in amazement at all the piles of antlers in the storeroom (the one in the photo), I could not help but think of all the animals that they once belonged to.

I worked on the fly presses (the ones with the 2 heavy metal balls on the top) and various other machines.

You had to watch yourself with the buffer women, get on the wrong side of them and and you would get a belt round the earhole, be on the good side and god they were funny, I learned all my bad language from them.


We also used to degrease items in big open vats of Tricoethylene, the health & safety brigade would have a dicky fit if they saw that now.


I moved with the company when the Pond Street site closed down to their new site at the back of the Candytown restaurant on London road.

I stayed a few months and then left for pastures new.

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I have a knife from Joseph Rodgers & Sons as well and can't seem to find any info on it. I am also American and that might be why. I have extensively researched and have not found one like this. I have yet to see another one like it so it is obviously quite rare. It says Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutler to Her Majesty with the V crown R symbol, it has the tradmark thing underneath. Near the tip of the blade it says something else that is hard to read but appears to be latin. Any information on its purpose, it's rarity, history, around what year it was made, and the value would be very much appreciated. I have tried everything please help. Here is a link to some pictures. :help:



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