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What do body building supplements actually do?

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As has already been said supplements are exactly that, and are useless without the correct diet.

In my case, about 18 months ago I weighed about 127-9 lbs. I changed my diet,ate more,took Whey supplements and started working out with weights 3 mornings a week, as well as doing Karate 3(different)nights a week. I'm now approaching my goal of 154 lbs (150 as of now). Not a fantastic weight for some,granted, and it's taken a long time, but it's a great step for me.The thing is,Keiron, I simply could not and cannot, eat the amount of food required to give me all the protein,carbs and calories I need. O.K.I've got a bit of a belly now, my excuse is my internal organs have had to enlarge to accommodate my food intake but, at 67 I'm not really worried about that. Also, I've got (and am getting) more muscular. The only drawback is fighting women off by using only a rolled up newspaper(I'm kidding:hihi:). Anyway, in my opinion, supplements are O.K.taken properly and with initial sound advice.

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I am a little confused about the exact nature of the steroids being mentioned here. Are they anabolic steroids? If yes, then I have something to write on them. These are drugs created to manipulate and affect testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the human bodily mechanism. They increase the protein synthesis within cells, resulting in the build-up of cellular tissue, categorically in muscles. These steroids also contain a huge amount of androgenic and virilizing properties, which have a huge influence on the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics like the vocal chords, testicles and body hair.

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