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Tony Blair's protection costs more than the PM's

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The great teflon seems to go from strength to strength.We seem to be lumbered with the bill for him and the wifes 24/7 protection because he was once PM.........but hang on,HANG ON! correct me if I am wrong, isn,t he making fortunes out of his private work,whilst we provide the bouncers,and that could be for life!...............Socialism eh?...where do I sign up?




Tony Bliar is as Socialist as Thatcher :hihi:

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I don't know how much it is today but in 2001 it cost £375,000 just to guard John Major's new holiday home



They asked for £375,000 but nowhere does it say they got that amount or that was the agreed sum.


Plus if TB's security is costing the tax payer £250,000 pa in expenses alone, the bill could well be 3 or more times that.

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Personally I don't think it's unreasonable. He did a job for us that puts him in the firing line so to speak. He was in power for a long time. He was heavily involved in the NI peace process and took us to war. that's two big things that'd upset alot of people.


What did Brown ever do to warrant such protection? I for one do not begrudge Balir protection to himself or his family, regardless of cost.


It could be worse - think of how much the US presidents are protected ,they've got a small army, and they get a similiar, albeit scaled back, level of protection when they are out of office.


Whinge whinge whinge.

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He's reputed to earn at least £6m a year. Don't you think he should pay for his own security while he earns his living?


Nope. His living now is irrelevant. He was in a position where he was hated and potentially put in harms way, either when he was in office or maybe years down the line.


Are you saying we should not protect any past PMs? What if he wasn't earning anything? I imagine the obligatory moan in that respect would be "Why should we pay for him just because he's got no money???"

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